Chapter 13

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Marco p.o.v

I can feel somebody touching me making me moan, I opened my eyes to see Tom he was kissing my neck "haha Tom stop" I said giggled he stop "I just got bored" he said winking at me I chuckled.

I looked over the time, I was actually early for school I got up and grabbed my stuff but Tom stopped me picking me up "Tom I'm serious" he didn't stop "I just want to cuddle with you" he said I pat on his head "I have to go to school, you can have me all day literally" remembering what was going to happen today gosh I'm scared, Tom let go "oh shoot you are right I got to check in progress" he said putting his colths on "I see you tonight" he said kissing me passionately.

We let go "see ya" I said he nodded and telported out of my room I quickly finished my shower and got dressed and went to the kitchen "see ya mom" I said hugging her "see ya sweetie" she said hugging me back I ran out of the door to cash the bus.

"Marco" I turned hoping to see Star but it wasn't it was Jackie, she wanted me to sit with her.
"Can I ask your opinion Jackie" I said nervously she nodded, before I left home I grabbed my suit I will be wearing tonight "do you like this" I said pulling it out of my book bag she gasped "Marco this is really nice" I giggled "so what are you going to do with it?" she said "I'm actually going to a ball after school" I said I didn't want her to know about the blood moon.

"I can help you get ready" she excitedly I blushed this is my first time to do something with Jackie but now I feel normal with her "thanks Jackie" I said still blushing "Marco" I broken my train of thought "yeah" "I find this strange note in my locker" Jackie giving the note.

Hey Jackie sorry haven't gotten in touch with you my bad anyway, I'm with Star for a couple of days see ya -Jackie

"What that doesn't make any sense" I said looking at Jackie "Star is at mewni, why well Janna be with her" Jackie nodded "have her mom called you?" I said trying to get my head around thing's, "yeah but why so suddenly?" Jackie said yeah why so sudden is werid

Star p.o.v

"We are in the wrong bus" I said to Janna but it was to late to get off. "Well this stuck" Janna said "my wand" I can't believe I just remembered that I grabbed my wand "rocket bunny blast" I said but nothing happened I shake my wand "you got to be kidding me" I said sitting back down "wait our phones" Janna said we quickly went to our phones.

"It won't tunred on" Janna said, the bus stop we quickly got off but something is up "we are still here?" I said we quickly run to other bus stop "why are they taking us here" I said panting for air, Janna shuggde why is this happening?

Tom p.o.v

I am almost done, with the flowers they are so beautiful just like my bunny. Me and Brian went to buy more flowers from the store after we finished we went back to the graveyard.

"Okay I'm going to visit Marco you just make sure everything is in progress" "yes Tom" Brian said quickly going to graveyard I telported to Marcos school.

It was lunch time perfect, I went to Marcos locker but saw him with a girl. I gasped I growled holding my fist walking up to them "oh hey Tom" Marco said but I ignored it he tapped my on the shoulder "Tom you okay" "can I talk to you" I finally said to him grabbing his hand.

We entered the janitor closet "okay Tom what's wrong" "nothing" I said with my eyes glowing red Marco backed away I shake my head "no no I'm just... scared" I said looking down my feet, Marco came close to me kissing my forehead and grabbed my hands "it's going to be okay" I giggled, the bell rings "I was scared for a second, I thought you gonna go all yandere all on me" he said smiling and walked out.

Star p.o.v

The bus keeps taking us the same spot, we have been around in circles all day, this is the fifth bus "I'm just done at this point" Janna said we got off and we are still there.

"It's about to be night we are not going to make it" "not if we run" I said grabbing Janna hand to run we kept on running and running, don't worry Marco we are coming.

Marco p.o.v

"Okay how do I look" I said facing mom and dad with the suit I'm wearing, mom is crying on joy and dad is taking photos "look at my boy" mom said running to me and kissing on my face "mom stopped" she stopped and give me a hug and dad joined in "okay okay we gonna go have fun tonight" dad said him and mom went upstairs.

I heard the door bell rings I went to answer it, it was Tom's demons "follow me, princess Marco" I blushed "I'm not a princess" "I saw you wearing a dress" I blush harder "good point" I said flowing him to the carriage, it feels like two hour I fall asleep "princess Marco?"I woke up fast "w-what happened?" "were here".

I looked out of the carriage the graveyard was beautiful flowers everywhere, design as the land of the dead I see Tom with a tall demon behind him I gulped I start walking it was to him he took both of my hands the tall demon start talking "today we have two lover's, who's love can over power any evil, and these lover's are going to combine there draw blood from the blood moon itself", the demon got the blood moon knife and grabbed my hand I closed my eyes but sudden.

"MARCO" I opened my eyes and saw "STAR" I shouted, I saw Star and Janna stopped I was about to move but Tom stopped me "Tom?" I said he pushed me back he starts walking towards them "GET AWAY FROM HIM" he yelled at them, Star pushed Janna away Tom shoot fire at Star, Star doge it and use her wand and shoot him, he starts flowting in the air and hit her with a big fire ball, Star falled on the ground.

"AND NOW TO FINISHED YOU" Tom said laughing, I finally moved and put my hands in the air "Tom what are you doing?" I said crying he didn't respond "Tom I want the truth" his eyes went back to normal "it start all starts with-" before he can finish I punched him in the nose he falled on the floor looking at me "I can't believe you" "bunny I'm sorry" "DON'T CALL ME THAT" I yelled at him.

He got up from the ground, still holding his nose "you know it's not even your fulat, it's mine for evening trusting you" I said with full tears "Marco I'm sorry please" he said with tears "I shouldn't have trusting you" I said walking away to Star and picking her up and Janna behind.

I was at bedroom still crying, holding Tom's rabbit he gave me I heard a knock on the door "come in" it was Star "Mar-" "you was right, I shouldn't have trusting him" I said crying hard Star wrapped her arms around me "shhh, it's okay" I hugged her back crying on the shoulder "I'm sorry I'm so sorry Star" "it's okay" there was a knock on the door it was mom.

"Star can I speak with him" Star nodded and let me go and left the room, mom sat on the bed "sweetie I-" before she can something I hugged her crying "mom can you stay for tonight" "sure sweetie" I layed my head on her lap awhile she touched my hair "shhh I be here all night" she whispered in my ear I smiled falling asleep.

Tom p.o.v

I was still at the graveyard crying plus my nose still hurt. I put my knees close to my face Brian was sitting next to me "the way he looked at me" I whisper crying more, Bill appears "Tom I'm sorry, and this time I mean it" he said patting me in the back "I knew deep down inside he would never forgive me' I said hugging Bill.

To my surprise he hugged back "I know it hurts, trust me I know" he said pulling back "I need a drink" I said Bills laughing I heard a noise it was my parents.

I ran up to him "I'm" before I can finished they hugged me tight I cried hard on there shoulders making me fall asleep.

Dreaming about my Marco and how he loved me.

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