Chapter 12

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Star p.o.v

"Hurry up Janna we have till tomorrow" I said running to Janna who almost fall asleep "why till tomorrow?" She asked me "the blood moon rise again tomorrow​ if Tom finish the ritual we will lose Marco like forever" Janna nod we start walking to find a way out of here.

"I think it's still a dream" Janna said punching her stomach again I looked over a big shadow was following us "Janna" I try tapping her but it didn't work "JANNA" "WHAT" she said turning around "maybe if we don't move it won't notice us" Janna we walked backwards but snap a stick he noticed us we start running again.

We kept on running "it's getting closer" Janna said we tripped over a log the creature got Janna leg "get away from her" I start throwing rocks at it but it didn't move I throw a long stick at it's eye he screamed in pain and dropped Janna "come on" I try picking her up we kept on running and it was still following us Janna grabbed my arm and pushed me aside and covered my month.

We were under a tree so we won't get spotted it starts sniffing to find us Janna rubbed mud all over our selves, the creature stop it starts raining me and Janna start a fire under the tree we was staying "we have been here like a two week" Janna said I looked at her confused "we have been here for three days" I said she shack her head she showed me her watch "time go faster here" "are you serious" she nodded I let out a sigh my stomach was growling.

"You hungry" Janna said I nodded "here a rat" Janna said passing me a rat I grabbed it and start eating "so what is the blood moon ritual" Janna said chewing her food "if two people want to combine there souls they have to be under the blood moon and use the blood knife to draw blood with both lover's and be together forever" I said in a spooky way "wait how come you and Tom didn't do it in the blood moon party" Janna said "we almost did but Marco stopped it" Janea nod yawing "well I'm going to hit the hay night" I nodded Janna was fast asleep I looked up at the sky "night Marco" I said closing my eyes.

Marco p.o.v

"Night Star" I said doing my homework I heard a tapped on the window it was Tom I quickly got up and answer it.

"So bunny all the plans are set for tomorrow" he said, I looked at my outfit I will be wearing  tommorow "so we are just going dancing" I said like a joke Tom giggled "no silly with this" he said Tom pulled out a bufcause and opened it "a knife?" "not any old knife the blood moon knife" I galre at the knife.

"Tom do you think this is necessary?" he looked at me "oh my your right, this suit needs more gold" I sigh "it's not the suit" "so what's is it?" he looked at me worried "it's nothing" "are you sure?" I nodded "oh okay" he grabbed his stuff "are you positive?" "Tom I'm okay I promise" I said with a smile he nodded "I pick you up okay at 8:30" I nodded he kissed my forehead and left after he left I went downstairs.

I went to the kitchen to find mom making dinner "hey Mom" I said giving her a hug she hugged back "hey sweetie is everything okay?" "can I asked some advice" she nodded and we went to the living room and sit down on the couch.

"Mom, what do you do when someone you know, want you do something that can change everything?" she was thinking for a moment "is this person special" I nodded mom grabbed both my hands "well honey if you loved this person and this person loved you back, you will try to do everything to make this person happy" I nodded, this is for Tom that all it counts.

"Thanks Mom" "your welcome sweetie, by the way how long do you think Star will come back?" that was a good question when is Star coming back. "I don't know she has important princess thing to do" I said for respond mom nodded and went back to the kitchen. Wait what about Janna she's gone to what's going on before I can think more I got a text from Tom.

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