Chapter 18

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Marco p.o.v

I'm still walking around trying to avoid Tom but it didn't work go figured.

"Gosh I'm hungry" I said holding my stomach "nice to meet you hungry, can you tell Marco to shut up" Tom said smiling "what do I see in you" I yelled at him "I'm cute" Tom said I let out a sigh and kept on walking.

"Bu-Marco?" "yeah?" I turned around to him "let's just sit down, I made some fire and get some rest okay" I nodded I was to tried, he made a fire and we sit down not talking to each other "I'm still hungry" I said looking at him he looked around "what?" is he serious right now "do you have something to eat?" I said he got up "I get something" he said walking away.

He came back fast "here fish" he said cooking it, he give me it "thanks" he nodded the fish was really good, Tom wasn't eating "are you okay?" he nodded and went back to watch the fire I came closer to him, he looked at me with a smile "I still don't forgive you" "worth a shot" he said making me laugh "listen Tom, I'm sorry for being mean to you even know you deserve it" he didn't respond.

"I know I can't change the past but I can learn from it" "really to me you didn't learn anything" I said he looked at me growling "sorry finished" I said smiling "want to try again, if you let me" I nodded he gave me a hug I didn't hugged back "only as friends tho" I said to him he pulled away nodded "I got friend zone that quick" he said smiling there was silence for a moment.

"Sorry for kissing Janna" he said "why did you do it?" I questioned him, he looked away "when Jackie kiss you, I was mad so I want to hurt you back, and I was drinking so yeah" he said still looking at the ground "why do you drink?" I said, this time he looked at me "ever since Star broke up with me, I thought it take the pain away I don't know" he said covering his face.

"Well that sounds interesting" I joked he giggled "and Tom I'm sorry, I kissed Jackie back in front of you" I said he nodded there was awkward silence that I hate so much, I feel something on my hand it was Tom hand "so what you wanna talk about" Tom said making me blush for some reason.

I thought about something for awhile about Tom abilities "can you turned into a dragon?" I know that was stupid question but I don't care, just think about it, it will be awesome if he can "I can" he respond I gasped "no way, can you do it now" I said getting closer to him, he was about to close his eyes and leaning in "TOM" I yelled at him "oh yeah that was I'm going to do" he said standing up I moved so I won't be in his way.

"If it doesn't work, don't blame me, I can do it just sometimes it doesn't work" he said rubbing back of his neck "just do it I don't care" I said excitedly he starts flowting in the air I can see wings coming out and a tail, but something happened his normal flame turned blue making him fall on the ground "oh my god Tom, you okay" "I'm fine it's just pain" he said trying to get up "Tom if-" "no I got it" he said cutting me off.

He try doing it but failed "Tom stop you going to hurt your self" he didn't respond I was standing up holding him he smiled "shut up" I said he giggled "what's so funny?" "you cared about me" after he said that I dropped him and start walking away "yeah what I say?"

He ran after me, he falled on me and we falled on the ground "sorry" he said smiling "get off of me" I snapped at him, he did what he was told "we was having a good time" he said cleaning his suit "we were" I said crossing my arms he mumbled something under his breath "what you said?" I said cracking my knuckles and pull up my sleeves "I said, why you have to be a jerk" "why I have to be a jerk, why you have to be a stupid all the time" gosh I'm bad at come backs I thought to myself.

He starts going close to me "what happened to the old Marco I love so much?" he said "and what happened to that Tom who always make sure I'm happy and cared about me where is he? I said crying he just looked at me "yeah that's what I thought" I said walking away but he grabbed my hand "he's still here somewhere" he said crying.

He cupped my face leaning me towards a kiss, I quickly kiss back I put my arms around his neck he put his hands on my waist pulling me I lick his bottom lip making his month bigger, we start walking backwards to a tree he starts attacking my neck I let out a moan "w-wait T-Tom" he stopped and looked at me "we need to stop" he nodded biting his lip he moved away from me.

"I'm sorry" he said I nodded not ready to talk there was silence for a moment "you know what screw it" I said kissing him again he pulled away "I thou-" before can other word I kissed him again he lifted me up my legs was around his waist pinning me to the tree but he pulled away "Marco we can't do this" he said I looked at him confused he drop me down softly "what do you mean?" I yelled at him.

"Marco we don't talk" he yelled at me "we talked all the time" "Marco did you hear your self" he said he was right I covered my face "your right we need to talk about this" he nodded and sit back down I did the same "if we want to do this, that means no more lying to me" he nodded "but do you forgive me" he said I went close to him.

"I already did" I said smiling he hugged me I hugged back "thanks" he whispered to my "your welcome" I whisper back.

If this going to work we have to trust each other but I swear if he lie to me again I'm going to kick his ass.

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