Chapter 5

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Tom p.o.v

I woke up beside Marco he was kinda snoring but it was cute I wanted to wait for Marco get up.

"Marco wake up" I try wake him up but he didn't move a muscle "okay you ask for it" I pull up his shirt and give it little kiss Marco got up and rubbed his eyes "really" "yes" I crawled on top of him and give him a kiss on his forehead "anyway we are going out today" Marco looked at me confused "what?" "We going out duh" Marco went to his phone  "sorry Tom I can't" I crawled off of him to stand up Marco grabbed my shoulder "hey we can hangout tonight" I rubbed back of my head to think what was important he had to mess date night "let me guess it's Star" I crossed my arms Marco nodded "I promise her today we hang out" I was mad at this point I remember what Star say to me yesterday I went back to bed coving my head.

Marco sat next to me "well she didn't say I can't bring no one" I raised my head "you serious" he nodded I grabbed his hand kissing it "I don't deserve you" I took my hand away from him standing up Marco looked at me confused "Tom what are you talking about?" "I don't deserve you" he stand up "don't say that" I didn't say anything he won't forgive me he just won't he hugged me "I'm so happy being able to be by your side" I felt a tear I quickly wrip it away I hugged back I need to change for Marco.

He pulled away holding my cheek "you okay" I nodded my head holding his waist "one last dance before I leave" Marco nodded he grabbed his phone and put on music "wait" I turn off the light and start fire on the candles we had last night "your so dramatic" "you love it" I pull him close he laid his head on my chest Marco start playing the music.

Hello Darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left the seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains

Within the sound...

...Of silence.

"Woah why you pick this song" "it claims me down I thought you will like it" "will I do" me and Marco are still dancing this song was peaceful just like him "hey Tom" I looked at him "yup" he took moment before responding "I don't know why Star broken your heart" I was shocked I lifted Marco face blushing "well If she didn't I wouldn't be here with you" he dug his face back on my chest I couldn't wait.

"Hey Marco" he looked at me "yeah' I pulled him away I grabbed his hand to pull him in my lap "Tom what's wrong?" I bit my lip before saying anything "Marco I ha-" before I finished Star came to the room "Marco you ready?" Marco got up from my lap mad at Star for reason I was getting turn on "Star how many times I tell you knock" Star was going to say something "it's okay I leave" Marco came to me "no you don't have to" "it fine I have to do something anywhere I see later tonight okay" Marco nodded "see ya bunny" I kiss his shoulder I didn't want to say anything to Star I just stared at her leaving I was out of the house I pull out my phone to call Bill.

"Yellow" "hey I need your help tonight" "okay for what" "I tell you later OK just help me" okay I will" "thanks" I hung up this date is going to be perfect I teleport back home.

Marco p.o.v

"Star what the heck" "I'm sorry Marco" we went to the living room I'm mad at Star she probably did that on purpose but for what. "Star yesterday what was you talking about with Tom" Star didn't want to reply "Star spilled" I raised my voice "we just talked about you" she was lying I crossed my arms really upset "it's that all" "yeah" I got up ready to leave but Star grabbed me "Marco you don't understand" I pulled my arm "I understand that you are a monster and not Tom" I slammed the door I went to the park I spotted Jana.

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