Chapter 8

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Marco p.o.v

I was at the underworld, I was at someone's bedroom I looked around the room trying to figure out what's going on until someone entered the room.

"Oh bunny" it was Tom I looked at him he's was wearing a suit black with a red shirt and a black tie. I was scared of Tom in this way he's looked so evil and dangerous in the same time, this has to be a dream.

He walked up to me going around in circles "you know why I like bunny's" I shock my head for no not being able to talk, he stopped and grabbed my hands and start kissing them "they soft, cuddle, and so cute".

He went close to my face and went to my ear "just like you" he whispered licking my face I felt a shiver in my spine he looked at me "I'm tired of waiting".

He licked my lips and start kissing me I kissed back he starts attacking my neck and bit my collerbone I let out a moan start getting dizzy he starts to un buckled his pants he pushed me to the bed he's member was showing it wasn't big or small it was the perfect size. I start to lick his member earning moans I bit the tip of it and lick the sides.

"More I want more" he grabbed my hair to pull me closer I almost choked I grabbed on it like a tube sucking on it "b-bunny oh yeah right there" I kept on biting the tip and the sides I let it out of my mouth giving it a long lick. I start sucking on it again I felt Tom cum I swallowed it.

He pulled away panting for air "your turn bunny" he took off my sweater thowing on the ground he took his hand and start going up and down on my member "T-Tom" I moan he starts to pulled down my pants and boxers and start sucking on my member.

I grabbed his hair to pull him closer I tilled my head back moaning he gave a long lick and I start to cum in his mouth.

He was now on top of me he took both our members and rubbed them together "T-Tom" he learned colse to my ear "cum for me and only for me" he whispered licking my face.

He turned my over I was now on my stomach he learned colse again and whisper "do you trust me?" "Yes I do" he nodded I gipped on the sheets waiting was happening he put his member in my ass I yelled in pain but clam down he pulled it in out the bed was banging on the wall back and forth "f-fuck Marco your so tight" "just finished fucking me" he smiled I was panting for air trying not to cum just at.

"Can I cum" "no not yet" I nodded but the last thust came I cummed "dang it Marco" he then cummed after me he collapsed beside me holding each other panting for air "I love you Marco" "I love you too Tom" he kissed my forehead I rested on his chest going to sleep.


I suddenly wake up it was a dream all of it. "I hate wet dreams" I shack my head embraced and blushing.

I pulled myself together shoving a pillow on my face suddenly I heard a knock on the window it was Tom. I got up and opened it Tom was only wearing pajama pants "hey" "hey bunny can't sleep either" I shake my head blushing remembering the dream.

I heard Tom's stomach growling "hungry?" He nodded "okay let's see" I grabbed Tom hand we headed to the kitchen "can we get ice cream" "sure" I grabbed the ice cream from the freezer and some candy, we decorated our ice creams and went back to my room.

We put the covers on the floor and put on a movie on the t.v we was watching beauty and the beast for some reason Tom loved this movie "why you like this movie so much" "it shows beauty from the inside and the outside" kissing my check he rested his head on my shoulder "by the way what you dream about anyway?"

"You know stuff" I lied I was just nervous telling him the truth "how about you" "I dreamed about us doing it" he said shoving ice cream in his face my face start blushing "what" "nothing" I said turing around to face the movie "Marco?" Tom pulled me to a passion kiss I kissed back him Input my hands on his chest we pulled away but I went back in putting my arms around his neck Tom put his hands on my hips.

I pulled away I was on top of him on the floor I looked at him his eyes I loved so much, he starts to laugh "hahahaha" "hahahaha" I join in the laugh until I noticed him crying "Tom?" he didn't stop crying I wrip the tears away with my thumbs he stops "I don't deserve you" he said I always wonder why you keep saying that "stop saying that" I yelled at him he looked at me shock "listen the person who don't deserve you is me I don't know okay I just..." I felt a tear coming down until Tom hold me tight I hugged him tight "this is a truly a blessing to be with you" I told him he kissed me passionately our tear's combined we pulled away.

"I love you Marco" "I love you too Tom" I was on top of him we pulled the covers on us watching the movie falling in to sleep by the demon I loved with my heart.

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