💗Thank you again💗

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Hello everyone I know I said this before but *take a deep breath*


And what I meant by that is you guys are amazing in every way possible in the world matter a fact in the universe.

I really appreciate you guys in front and back.

When I first did this story I really didn't care about it.

But that's before you came alnog and fucking changed everything and that includes the plot also.

I never thought I would get this much reads and votes and comments and boy do they made my day for the better.

And I have recently broke up with my boyfriend...so it was hard.

But I when I get notficans (sorry if I spell that wrong) I get so happy and excited you guys truly wrip my blues away.

And I have recently got a girlfriend too.

F: we are not dating *with a serious face*

Me: so what do you call us?

F: all I know that we are not dating

Me: okay you want to date me bubba?

F: what do you guys think? *Smrik*

Me: wait you letting them decided?

F: yup

Me: okay can you guys decided to let her date me

F: it's not like that they're going to say 'yes' right?

Me: *smrik and wink*

F: *sighs and rolled eye's*

Me: just admit you love me

F: y-yeah I do *blush*

Me: *blush*

Me: I knew it *hug her from behind*

F: God your short *giggling*

Me: shut up tall ass *giggling*

So when everybody said you can't do anything right or you are born to be a loser.


I mean...prove them wrong cause you are born to amazing things.

God that was cheesy

F: yeah it was

Me: you can't do better

F: oh yeah watch me

F:...you guys are born to be super stars and-

Me: okay that was suck

F: *pinched me*

Me: ow bitch

F: take it back

Me: you go first

F: *sighs* sorry that speech was amazing and I'm really proud of you

Me: *almost cried* I'm sorry to and you try your best

*Hug each other*

Me: no wonder our friends ship us

F: wait they do?

Me: *face plamed* yeah they do but it's because your adorable

F: are you kidding your adorable

Me: r-really?

F: yeah...well in my opinion

Me: fine we're both adorable

F: (A/N) finished your speech already

Me: oh yeah

Sorry about that but anyway I really appreciate you guys.

And I guess this book is a gift to you guys...I think?

All I wanted to say is thank you for your support and time to read my first book.

I bet you guys are thanking me for making this book so it's a win win.

And sorry this speech wasn't amazing at all I'm bad with speeches

Not really but for this one...yeah.

Me: oh and if you guys want a one shot about us just asked

F: serious?

Me: yeah why not? anyway want to say goodbye with me?

F: really?

Me: no I asked you for no reason at all *roll eyes*

F: shit head *pinched me*

Me: *ingoroed the pain* okay goodbye and thanks for everything

F: goodbye everyone

*Wave goodbye*

Oh yeah I almost forgot to tell you guys our ship name.

F: boi are you serious

Me: *push up glasses* does it looks like I'm serious?

F: *sighs* fine just do it

Me: Matima

Me: I want you guys to guess

F: okay not trying to be rude but can we finish

Me: okay okay...see you guys later *Waves goodbye*

F: yay bye *waves goodbye*

"Bye isn't always long"- Me


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