Chapter 17

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Marco p.o.v

"I just can't believe him" I said talking to Janna, I'm still mad what happened last night at the party, "how did he even know about the party?" I said Janna didn't respond and that was werid.


Janna p.o.v

I have been hanging out with Tom lately, trying to help him I know I should help Marco but I feel more bad about Tom.

I entered in the portal lading in Tom's room, he was sleeping I went to him and shack him to wake up and he did "here you go" I gave him some water cause he had a hangover last night "thanks Janna" "pay up" I pulled out my hand, he paid me to be his nurse alright. "fine here" he gave me 20 bucks "thank you" I said smiling.

I made him breakfast, he was eating on his bed and I was counting my money again "Janna?" I looked up "yeah" "thank you for your time" I smiled and nodded "so you going to move on?" he looked at me confused "you know from Marco" "why will I do that?" "because you guys basically broke up" I said sitting next to him.

"You think he's moving on?" he said with a worried look "he's probably doing his best to forget you I think" I said looking down on the floor "I have to talk to him again, you know where he will be?" Tom said getting dressed "all of us going to a party I let you in" I said standing up "thanks Janna" he hugged I hugged him back "Janna.....let me go" "oh sorry" I pulled away from him I grabbed my phone for the time.

"Oh shoot Tom, can you take me to school" "sure" he said, he telported to my school and spot Marco "go get him" I said he nodded and ran I went to the cafeteria.

After the party

I went to find Tom he was sitting on the grass drinking "TOM!" I ran to him sitting down "what happened?" it took him awhile to answer "he kissed someone" I wasn't shock that this will happen, I just can't believe it did I put my hand on his knee "that's life for you man" I said he nodded still drinking.

"Hey Janna?"I turned to him, he kissed me I kissed back warping my arms around his neck and his hand on my hips, he pulled away covering his mouth "I'm sorry" "no I'm sorry" we sit there for a  awkward silence for a moment.

"Janna I'm really sorry, I don't know what came over me, I was just thinking of Marco and his kiss so I just wanted revenge I just, Janna I'm sorry" he said I gave him a warm smiled "dude it's okay I understand" he nodded and we just sit there all night.

End of flashback

Marco p.o.v

I really didn't want to go to school today, cause it will be awkward with Jackie.

I went to my locker and saw Jackie "her Jackie, I'm so-" "no I didn't mean to do that I'm sorry" she cut me off before I can respond Star grabbed my arm "Marco can I talk to you?" "sure" I followed her.

"Marco at the party, guess what I saw " "what?" she paused for a moment  "Janna kiss someone" I just looked at her "okay" I turned back around and start walking to my locker "WITH TOM" I stopped and walked back to her "he did what?" I looked at her with a anger face, for all the girls why Janna.

"Why you mad?" I paused for a second "I'm not mad" "so you are jealous?" "I'm not jealous" I yelled at her she just smiled I saw Janna going to the janitor closet Star tunred and saw it "come on" she grabbed my arm we look into the room to find Janna and Tom talking.

"What do you think he's talking about?" She whispered "he's probably making fun of me and how stupid I'm" I whisper back I saw him touching her check I growled and saw him getting closer to her I growled louder this time I saw him touching her hand "that's it" I yelled and entered the closet and falled on the ground.

"Marco what you doing?" Tom said I got up "I can't believe you, I know you kiss Janna" "it doesn't matter we are broke up period" I looked at him shocked how come he didn't do that with star "are you serious, I didn't even kiss her back" "hey cause you don't have the guts to do it" for was silence for a moment Star and Janna just looked at each other confused "oh really" I exit the closet having Tom, Star and Janna followed me.

I saw Jackie and ran to her "Jackie" I grabbed her shoulders and kiss her front of Tom, Star and Janna I pulled away and looked at Tom "I'm sorry what did you say" "you know what Marco, you are a douche" Tom said I walked to him "I'm a douche, I'm not the one who lie" "here we go again, it was for you"
"so lying to me was all for me" he took a moment "YES" he yelled at me with his eyes golwin red "you know what, shut up with your stupid face" I said walking away "you are not good at come backs" he shout at me "shut up" I yelled back at him.

"So where are we going" I said me and Dipper and Mabel are hanging out today, we were in his car and stopped and start walking to the park.

We kept on walking until I saw Tom and Bill and someone else "oh come on" I try running away but Mabel stopped me "I want Tomco to be true" she said pushing me towards Tom.

We just looked at each other "so let me guess, is this a other plan" he mocks me "stop mocking me" "stop mocking me" I pushed him "hey don't push me" he said "hey don't push me" "that's it" he punched me I kicked him we start fighting until Mabel and Bill stopped us.

"Hey can you guys make up" Mabel said "the Tom I know won't kiss my friend" "and the Marco I know won't kiss someone in front of me" Tom yelled back "STOP IT" it was Bill "listen if you two still don't love each other you guys won't be arguing right now" Bill said he does have a point if we didn't care we will stop talking.

"Tom you are my friend but you are a douche" Bill said pointing at Tom "and you Marco  p you did was mess up to" he said pp pointing at me "yeah cause we didn't officially broke up" Tom said "so me crying and punching in your face didn't make it clear for you" I said sarcastically before I can finish Bill step in.

"Listen I don't care about that, here's the plan I'm going to send you to the mind scape, if you two don't get back together you will stop and go on our separate ways got it" Bill said loud in clear me and Tom nodded "alright let's go" Bill snapped his fingers, taking us to the mind scape design for us.

Me and Tom looked at each other "I hate you" I said walking away from him.

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