Chapter 14

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Marco p.o.v

I was in my bed with tissues and eating ice cream, watching dare I said romantic vampire movie's.

"I won't ever hurt you" "LIER" I said thowing the box of tissues at the TV "at least the were wolf won't lie" I said shoving ice cream in my face, I heard a knock on the door "GO AWAY, LET ME BE SAD" I yelled at the door "honey it's me" "come in" I said, it was mom she hold her nose "sweetie did something die in here?" "something did die my heart" "okay poor choice of words".

She layed on my bed "sweetie everything is okay" "you don't get it mom" I got off my bed "how do you feel, that your demon boyfriend lies to you, and make you believed you was he's total everything" I said crying she didn't reply "if you excuse me I have more vampires movie's to watch" she didn't reply and left, I went back to my bed and eat ice cream.

I looked over the bunny Tom gave me, I grabbed it "why you did this to me" I whisper, I heard a knock on the door "it's opened" It was Star "hey bud how you doing?" I didn't respond she came close to my bed patting on the back "I just don't understand" she didn't reply "I want my ice cream" "here you go" she gave me more ice cream and left.

I watched a another vampire movie "well here goes nothing" I said shoving more ice cream.

Star p.o.v

What I'm going to do? Marco is a crying, ice cream, romantic vampire movie's messed.

"I just don't know what to do he won't get out of his room" I said talking to Janna, in my room eating ice cream "I swear if Marco keeps on, eating the ice cream I swear I'm going to kill him" Janna said sitting on my bed "we need to talk to Tom".

Sh looked at me "are you crazy Star, more than normal" she said shacking me but I stopped her, "listen Marco wants answer and we are going to give him that" "fine" I made a portal to the underworld.

We were outside of Tom's room "should we knock" I whisper "heck no" she kicked the door wide opened, what we saw was shocking. We saw bottles everywhere on the ground and Tom laying on the bed, we entered the room Janna grabbed one of the bottles"is this" she sniff it "yup it is" she put it down we look over to him "Tom" I shake him but nothing happened.

"TOM" I shake him harder this time he opened his eyes I sigh in relief, he rubbed his eyes "what are you doing here, leave me alone" he said slapping my hands off of him, standing up and grabbed one of the bottles "are you deaf I said go" he said taking a slip of his drink "Tom we are not leaving" he didn't respond I slapped the bottle of his hand.

"Hey give that back" he said trying to take the bottle from me  "don't you think, you reined my life all ready" he said crying he Janna pulled him to the bed giving him tissues "thank you" Tom said Janna nodded and give him some water patting on his back.

"What do you guys want anyway" Tom said still have tears in his eyes "we are not here for you we are here for Marco" I said he looked up at me with a smile "h-how is he?" "well he became a vampire ice cream lover" Janna joked.

Tom looked down putting his hands over his head "he wants to know why you do this to him" he looked and stand up and went to his closet and guess it was ice cream.

"Are you serious" I said he shuggde "wants some" he said Janna quickly got some but I passed, he sat back down "at first it was all about you" he said "figured" I said "but the more I spent more time with him, I realized I didn't want to lose him" he said about to cry "so let me guess you made this plan to try to killed me".

I said he got up Janna try to pull him down "if it wasn't for you, he would still be happy" I didn't respond "If it wasn't for you" he said sitting back down "if it wasn't for me?" I said "you did this to him, he loved you so much, you make me sick" I said he got up and stared at me "all I did was loving him, I knew if I will tell him the truth, I won't get him back" "so lying to him was better" I said with tears.

He didn't replied "come on Janna, were leaving".

Janna p.o.v

I was about to leave but Tom grabbed my hand "Janna can I give you something" "sure, give me a sec" I went to tell Star to give me a second she said yeah I went back to his room.

He went to his draw "tell him I love him" he said crying I grabbed his shoulder "listen I don't think he would you know" he nodded, he wrote something on a pice of paper.

He give me it, I turned it over it almost made me cry "oh my god Tom" "I know" he said drinking my his bottle "I just hope-" "you just have to give it some time" he nodded I pulled him into a hug "listen I'm going to visit you, okay" he gave me a look "not like that" I said "JANNA COME ON" "I'm coming" I said waving Tom good bye.

We went through the portal and we outside of Marcos room. We opened the door and find him asleep.

"We shouldn't wake him" Star whisper to my ear, I nodded Star went back to her room I went over Marcos bed and pace the paper next to his pillow "he's so sorry" I whisper to him, and left the room.

Marco p.o.v

I woke up from the sound of my door closing, I got up and went to my ice cream.

I saw something on my pillow, I got grabbed it, it was a picture of me and Tom I was about to ripped it but I looked over on the back.

Sorry to get it all jumbled
My lies have left me crumbled
The peace of our lives,
I tumbled in showing honesty,
I fumbled Horrible things to you,
I mumbled
I promise to get things
Without you, I feel strangled

I cried holding Tom's bunny tightly "I just can't" I whisper to myself, I heard a knock on the door I quickly wiped my tear's away.

"Come in" it was Star and Janna "hey guys" I said weakly "Marco we find o-" "Star I don't want to know" I said quitely, Star left but Janna stayed.

"It was always about you" Janna said quitely I nodded so she can finish, "he said he didn't want you to know the truth cause he know you won't forgive him".

I nodded shoving more ice cream in my face "well he was right" I looked over to the picture "how did this picture even came" "I put that there" Janna said quitely "why?" "I don't know, I want to punch him but I feel his telling the truth, he's love you Marco" she said coming closer to me.

"If he did why he lie?" "cause he know you won't forgive me" "well he was right" I yelled at her, grabbing my ice cream "Janna just go" she was almost left but turned around "Marco I hope you understand he really loves you" I didn't respond she left my room.

I turned on the TV eating, "please forgive me I won't never lie again to you" "I forgive you" I said crying, imagine it was Tom holding the bunny and picture, falling asleep.

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