Chapter 20

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Marco p.o.v

I woke up beside Tom "figure" I said giggle I looked o the time I still have time to go back to sleep, but I got a idea for some reason I feel horny.

I looked over back to Tom, he had a huge smile on his face I bit my lip thinking if this is a good idea, I didn't make a second thought about it I start nipping on Tom's neck hearing moans from him.

I kept on giving him hickeys but I wanted more, I flipped him now he was laying on his back I pulled down his pajamas pants with his boxers, I was on top of him "please don't wake up" I whisper but before I can do anything he woke up "MARCO" he pinned me down "sorry?" I said smiling he sighed "don't give me wrong, I liked it but you have school".

He was right, I sighed "your right" he smiled and pulled up his pajamas "now go to sleep" he cuddle me making me fall asleep.

As I woke up to get ready for school, Tom was already awake putting a new outfit on "good morning bunny" it's been awhile since he called me that I giggled getting ready school.

I finish getting dressed for school "so when I come back later, we can finish what we started last night" Tom said warping my waist I leaned in for a kiss "sorry you had your chance" I said pulling away and heading down stairs "oh come on".

Tom bring up the puppy eyes "please for me?" I just looked at him "no, bye" I said getting my book bag and kisses him on the check.

As I closed my bedroom door I bumped into Star, there was awkward silence I decided to talk "St-" before I finished she ran, I wonder why, I ran after her but she already left the house, I looked at the time I'm late I quickly grabbed a muffin and try cash the bus.

Star p.o.v

Don't worry I'm going to talk to him. "bunny rocket blast" I shoot my wand to make me go even go faster.

I looked at the time I'm early good, I saw the principal and ran to him "can I talk to you" I said with a wicked smile.

Marco p.o.v

As I made it to school I went to my first period class seeing Star already there.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you" I said rubbing back of.y neck she smiled "I was a jerk to" "hugs" we both hugged each other, the school was starting but before our teacher said anything.

"Marco Diaz to the principal office" it was the sound box I looked at Star she shuggde I got up and start walking to the door, I'm not going to even ask for a hall pass I thought to myself.

I was getting worried, another princess from dimension is here to, I giggled from my thought.

"Marco sit down" I did was I told waiting for what is going to happen "we change the poem date it's going to be tommorow" he said with serious tone "okay what's that has to do with me?" I questioned him it took while to respond.

"You can't not go to poem" I was shocked, why can't I go what's happening "why?" "because -" I finally understand.

"You have no right to do that" I yelled at him standing up, it because I'm homosexual that's ridiculous, I was so happy to go but now I can't stand being there.

"Marco, if you go then it won't be any poem" he yelled, I didn't want people have there special night ruined​ because of me, I sit back down noticing something under his desk it looks like gem's and gold coins someone paid him but why.

"Can I go back to class now" "of course you can" I left the office feeling anger in my bones what will somebody do this, the rest of the school hour feel fast because I didn't really paying attention the rest of the day.

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