Chapter 2

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Marco p.o.v

There was a knock on my door I was still half asleep so I rubbed my eyes to see Tom asleep 'Good morning Tom…… WAIT TOM' "Marco are you sleeping ?" it was Star who knock on my door I didn't respond I need to wake up Tom "Tom wake up" I try my best to whisperer​ "let me sleep bunny" "Marco are you talking to someone" I put my hand on Tom nose so he can wake up he did " Marco?" "what do we do" Tom asked "go under the bed" Tom nodded and went under the bed "Star im coming" I got up from my bed and went to the door "what took you long Marco" "s-sorry" "its fine hurry up we are going to be late for school". I nodded Star left the room I sigh and closed the door Tom rolled under the bed "what time you get  off from school" "w-why" Tom grab both of my hands "so I can save you" he chuckled I never seen this side of Tom he is mostly angry, "so what do you say Marco?" "fine but after school" before he can respond Star call out my name "MARCO!" "im coming" when I try to leave Tom is still holding my hands looking at them "u-um Tom I need to go" I said in a nervous tone "oh yeah sorry see you later" he disappeared in flames I rush down stairs to cath the bus I sat next to Star "Marco what took you long" "oh nothing" I look out of the Window thinking about Tom.

After school

I saw Tom in the pranking lot waiting for me "so where we going" "its a surprised" "great" I said in a annoying tone "that's the sprite Marco by the way" "yeah" "you have to hold tight on me" I laugh out loud I know he was joking the problem was he wasn't laughing "oh you serious, okay" I hug him he hugged me back he snapped a flame appears we was at a beach  "T-Tom you can let go of me" "oh sorry" we walked to the beach I took of my shoes and socks Tom stare at me confused "w-what are you doing?" "people do this when they are at the beach" Tom nodded and did the same thing I look down at his toes surprised "woah" "what happened" "y-you have six toes?" Tom looked down at his feet "oh yeah its a demon thing" that's make sense I guess we was just  looking at the ocean there was a awkward silence "so Marco wanna play a game" "sure what game" "truth or dare" after he said that remember when I play that it didn't go well "I start Tom truth or dare?" "truth" I thought about it heres my chance to ask about the letters "did you wrote those letters to me?" Tom just stare at me thinking he should lie or not "yes" I was shocked he replay do quickly like he wasn't even nervous "w-why" "why what" I wanted to slap him cause of that "well there should be a reason" "I-I don't like this game" he was getting angry I put my hand on his hand to try cool him down "if you don't want to answer its okay" he didn't say anything he got up and pull out of his hand "come dance with me" I took his hand "woah" he pull me up he was humming he grab my hip I put my hand on his shoulder we were spinning around untill he lift me up spinning but Tom tripped and I fell on top of him "heh heh hahahah" he staring laughing I join him "hahaha are you okay Macro?" I just nodded "woah look at that sunset" I got off of Tom and look at the sunset he join me later "you never see that" he asked "I have seen sunset but not like this one" "well this one is one of  a kind like you" I turn to him he came close to me grabbing my waist to pull me closer "i-is this r-real" he giggle "only if you want it to be" he grab my chin to pull me even closer he closed his eyes and my phone start ringing ~Space unicorn going to the strom~ Tom burst out laughing "for all the ring tones why that" "its supposed to ironic" I punch his  shoulder "ow" Tom he was rubbing his shoulder I look down my phone it was Star I took a quick breath and answer.

Marco "h-hey s-"

Star "MARCO where have you been"

Marco "I wi-"

Star "you know how many times I try to call you get your but here RIGHT NOW"

Marco "oh okay okay im coming"

I cover my face "Marco want me take you home" I nodded grabbing my stuff off the ground as did Tom "okay lets go" he hold me bridal style "T-Tom is this" "Bunny I got this" I took that disagree that nick name "don't call me that" "okay bunny" he start flying and carry on tight on him.

We finally made to the house Tom grope me off at my bedroom window "Tom I had fun today" "yeah but did you wanted more" I blush when he said that what did he mean "w-want more of w-what?" "this" he pull me close to his lips I melt into the kiss quickly kissing him back I was around his neck and hold on my waist I slip my tongue in our tongue were fighting it was sloppy but perfect I let a small moan escape, we pull away to breath we looked at each other for a moment "Mar-" before Tom could finish Star came "Marc" she couldn't finish her sentence​ "bye Marco" Tom quickly say flying off "Star I need a moment" "oh sorry Im just going to leave" Star left the room I lay down the bed shocked what just happened close my eyes going to sleep with a smile.

Come dance with me (Tomco Story)Where stories live. Discover now