Chapter 4

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Marco p.o.v

I couldn't forces today after what happened I can still feel Tom on me gosh Marco call down school is almost over I thought to myself  our teacher wasn't here so we took a break my hoodie was over my head untill Star pull it over "Marco you ok-" Star pause and look at me then she pointed at my neck "Marco what's that" I look down it was hickey I cover it up "oh I fell remember" Star gave me a look then the bell rong thank god I thought to myself

At home

I ran up stairs to my room to call Tom "yellow" I didn't recognized that voice "o-oh im sorry I probably have the wrong I hung up" before I could he said something "wait you looking for Tom?" "y-yes" "i call for you, TOM your boyfriend on the phone" I heard Tom saying something in the background "give me that drum triangle, Marco" "hey Tom is this bad time" "no its not its just loud here Im going to text you okay" "okay" I hung up the phone to hear a text from Tom.

Tom: hey bunny <3

Marco: hey where are you?

Tom: just hanging out with my friend what's up?

Marco: I miss you that's and

Tom: and what?

Marco: you gave me a hickey you jackass

Tom: O.O

Marco: give me that how im going to explain  to my parents

Tom: hide it with your sweater

Marco: I hate you

Tom: oh come on

Marco: anyway wanna hang out

Tom: sorry me and my friend having a guys night out

Marco: oh

Tom: hey don't worry I come visited​ you when I get myself ready and I give you a surprised

Marco: woah a surprised what is it?

Tom: seriously -_-

Marco: sorry okay I wait hurry up

Tom: k im coming now

I heard a knock on my door that was fast I thought it was Tom but no it was Star "hey star you okay" she garbed my shoulders shacking me "Marco you need to stay away from Tom" She stop shacking me "what are you talking" "Tom is using" after she said that I was mad I took her hands away from me "why cant you be happy for me star" "marco you wont be haply with him" "how do you know that cause stuff didn't work with you guys" "b-but" "Star I think you should go" I push her out of my room and closing it star don't know what she talking about I thought to myself there was a knock on the window it was Tom I went to the window opening it "you know we have doors" " I know but that's no fun" he kiss my check then up at me "you okay" "im fine, wheres your friend" he said he's going to met me here" Tom unzip his pants "T-tom what are you doing" Tom look at me confused "oh im changing" he grab some blue jeans and start taking off his shirt I look at his mini six pack I didn't know Tom work out I thought untill Tom tap on me "Marco you have a sweater I can borrow" "sure here you go" I went to my closet to find a sweater I pick a blue jacket when I turn around Tom was wearing a original black shirt "thanks bunny" he kiss my check then his phone start ringing "dude where are you?" he asked his friend "what I cant here you im puting you know speaker "WHICH HOUSE?" his friend was yelling on the phone "im in the house where you can see a castle part of it" "okay im coming" his friend hung up "wanna met him" "sure" Tom grab my hand to go downstairs there was a knock on the door I went to answer it "three this is wried house oh sorry im bill" Bill pull out his hand to shake my hand "Im marco nice to meet you" I shake his hand Bill is wearing grey jeans wearing shirt a blue shirt coving it with a yellow sweater vest with a bow tie,Bill is tanned with blond hair is he even demon? I thought to myself "Yes im" Tom punched his arm "Stop reading my boyfriend thoughts" I was shocked Tom perform my as his boyfriend it was really sweet Star came downstairs she seem sad about what happened "Tom can I speak with you" Tom had a worry face on him "sure be right back" he flowed Star back up stairs leaving me and Bill "sorry for reading your thoughts" "its fine, what kind of demon are you supped to be anyway" "Im a dream demon" I was shocked but shrugged it off "so you know Star" I asked him it look like he didn't wanted to respond "yup Star is a bitch" "why" I asked back "she is hurtles monster to Tom" what really I thought Tom was the problem "nope its Star" he read my thoughts again "what did she did" "well after she broke up with him Tom was a hopeless wreck he didn't leave his room almost five months" the more I thought about it why did Star broke up with him was his angry problems "I know Tom is angry person but come on he doesn't need all of that" Bill said looking at the floor Tom came back "Chiper you ready" "YES lets go" Bill ran to the door opening it "so where you guys going" I asked Tom "you know demon stuff text
you when I come back" I nodded Tom pull me to a short kiss "bye bunny" "bye" Tom left out the door.

Tom p.o.v

"so what does she wants" Bill asked me "nothing some garbage" we walked for a couple blocks "okay which party" I asked Bill "all I know Im going to be wasted" I look at him "well we cant we have boyfriends to go to" "you no fun anymore, how about this I get wasted and you do you" "sounds good" we teleport to a   demon hang out  this is going to be a long day

6 hours later

We left the place me holding on Drunk Bill "t-tell p-pine tree im home" he was defiantly drunk this demon drinks I tell you men " its different man" I try hard my best to hold on him but I drop him "Bill how many you drink?" "six shots" at this point I got mad so I stared walking back in forth to clam down I went back to Bill kicking him soft he burp "gosh you smell like beer" he got up "its not beer its demon juice" he fall again I carry him to a gas station I splash water in his face "Bill you promised" Bill is still drunk "I-I did" he snaps his fingers "thanks Bill" "y-y-you, gosh my head" he snaps his fingers I carry him in the woods someone noticed us Bills boyfriend Dipper "Tom what happened" "well" he snif Bill and cover his face "he smells like beer" Bill got up "its demon juice" he was about to fell again but Dipper cath him "well his asleep" I tap Bill he open his eyes "o-oh yeah h-h-home" he snapped his fingers I was at Marco house in his room he was asleep I open his closet door and all the candles I asked Bill for I start set up my surprised for Marco I it every candles I went over to tap Marco that didn't work so I went up on top of him "pssst Marco" "aaaahhh" he got up and our heads bumped "im sorry Tom you okay" "in fine" "woah" he saw all the candles around the room it smells like appels" I giggle on his comment "you did this for me?" "oh course" "well you did a great up" he hugged he leaned close to me and we kissed I wanted more I start sucking on his neck he moaned I start lifting up his shirt but he stomped me "sorry Tom but im not ready" " I understand" he gave me a big hug I hug him back I heard snoring fo was Marco I lay him down the bed "change of plans" I lay down with him hugging him till I fall asleep.

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