Chapter 3

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Tom p.o.v

What a day I thought to myself coming back home "hello Tom how was your date?" Brain asked "it was great Marco is a good kisser" I was laying on my bed still thinking about Marco untill Brain came up to me "what about the plan?" I jump out of my bed I totally forgot the plan "dang it why did I forgot" Brain gave me a look "what?" I asked him "Tom sit down" I did what I was told sitting on the edge of my bed. "Tom even know im our life couch, Im your friend as your friend I asked you don't have to continue this plan" I was shocked even know Brian is my couch he is my only friend and why does he want me not to finish the plan "w-what why" "what about Marco?" after he said that I totally forgot about Marco part of the plan "n-no he's going to be fine" "no he's not you think he will  forgive you after all of this " I got mad after his statement Marco will forgive me I know he will "you don't know what you talking about Brian I know Marco he will forgive me got it" Brian didn't respond back "Im going to visit him I will be right back" I teleport to Star and Marco high school.

At school

I was in the hallway looking around for Marco I went in Marco locker so when the bell rong nobody will see me, the bell rong just in time Marco came with Star "so I said you don't know me in a sassy way Marco you should have seen it" Marco didn't  replay back he looked sad Star tap on his shoulder "Marco you okay" "sorry Star im fine" Marco open up his locker untill I scream at him he punch my stomach I fell on the floor "oh Tom you scared me im sorry you okay" Marco helped me off the floor "its fine its only pain" "im sorry" he gave me a big hug I hug him back when I looked at Star she gave me the death glare I ended the hug Marco look at me confused, "sorry bunny stomach still hurt" I laughed it off but really it still hurt he gave me a warm smiled "Marco I see you at lunch" Star said waving goodbye something is going on with Star this is my chance "Marco is Star okay" "Im sure she is anyway why are you here" Marco wanted to change the topic about Star I didn't question it "well I figure we can have a little" I said gabbing on his waist he was blushing really hard he was about to say something untill he push me away I looked behind me and it was a blond with a blue strike "hey Marco" "h-hey Jackie" Jackie looked over to me and pull out her hand "hi im jackie and you are?" "sorry im Tom" I shake her hand she looked at me and Marco confused untill she said something "sorry I probably ruined a moment I should go bye" after that she left going to the cafeteria "so who was that" "jackie lynn thomas" he stared down on the floor upset "Marco u okay" he look up to me with a smile "im fine now you here" he gave me a huge hugged I hugged back he smelled like fresh apples I couldn't take it anymore I grab Marco hand and start walking "T-tom where we going" Marco asked I didn't respond to him we made it to the jauntier​ closet I push him in and locked the door "hey wa-" before he can finished he I kissed him hard he kissed back we was walking back to the paint cans I broke the kissed and start sucking on his neck "T-Tom" Marco was moaning my name biting his bottom lip to hold back  I cant do a lot cause lunched is almost over so I got my hand and went in his pants he was moaning a lot at this point it was like music in my ears I went though his boxers and start messing around with is dick he was biting his lip really hard there was little blood, I diced to bend down in my keens to unzip his pants and pull his boxer down I looked at his dick it was different but better "Im sorry" I looked at Marco I got up and kissed his forehead "if you want me to st-" "no its fine keep going" I smiled at him and went back was I doing I start liking and sucking in his tip "T-T-Tom" I suck on him hard and liking his sides the bell rong lunch I got up from my knees "dammit" Marco pull up his jeans and zip his pants, we went out of the door to his locker "s-sorry we didn't finished​" "its fine" I kissed his forehead and hug him Star looked at us but I didn't care after we finished​ hugging Marco left and went to class Star went up to me and crossed her arms "what?" I told her "stay away from Marco" " you threaten me?" she grab my shoulders and push me in the lockers "stay away from him and if you try to hurt him im going to hurt you" she let go of me and start going to her class I was shocked what just happened I teleport back home "Tom what happened" "I think I got all the info I need" but brian was still confused I smack my forehead "Star likes Marco" "she does?" "yes no wonder she pined me in lockers" "so what are you going to do" I didn't respond I was thinking about me and Marco little time together he will forgive me he will.

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