Chapter 10

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Marco p.o.v

I woke up happy I got off my bed and opened the window for fresh air and humming at the same time singing a old Disney song. (A/N: get it his from Disney nevermind)

My room was a mess, I grabbed a broom I had in one of the conners​ of my room and start singing yes I sing.

I know you

I walked with you once upon a dream

I know you

The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam

Yes, I know it's true

That visions are seldom all they seem

But if I know you, I know what you'll do

You'll love me at once

The way you did once upon a dream

When I was singing the song I spin and saw Star I fell on the floor I quickly got up "hey Marco you saw the blood moon?" I wanted to lie but I couldn't "yeah why" "just asking" there was silence in the room for a moment "anyway I'm going to the store with my parents so see ya" Star nodded I quickly grabbed my clothes and hop in the shower.

Star p.o.v

I know something is happening and I need some poof and help. After Marco and his Parents left I quickly called Jana to meet here.

There was a knock on the door I went to answer it Jana roll in the house with spy glasses "I'm here" she said taking off her glasses "okay here's the plan we are going to follow Tom all day" "let's go" she said "here" she passed me some spy glasses and we did a dramatic pose.

"Here we go" I made a portal to the underworld we grabbed some cloak so we won't be noticed we made it in Tom's room we hide in his closet "so how we going to get poof" "with this magic box" I pulled the box out of the cloak "Star" "yeah" "that's a tape recorder" I looked at it "whatever" the swing open to reavel Tom without a shirt.

Jana gasped taking and take a picture "can you cut that out" I whisper to her we heard a knock on the door it was his mother "hey Tom dear" "hello Mother" Tom said I couldn't hear what they said but the door closed I peeked no one was there me and Jana left the closet.

"Okay let's find some poof" "why you think we are here" Jana said sarcastically I kept on searching but nothing "come on" Jana said we heard a noise we went under the his bed "okay see you later" Tom was on the phone with someone he grabbed a pice of paper and telported.

We crawled out of underneath the bed "we keep on flowing me" I nodded I'm not going to stop until I get poof.

We was back at Earth we saw Tom in the park sitting down in a bunch, we went behind a tree close enough to hear what he is saying, we saw a blonde hair boy coming up to Tom I quickly snapped a picture of him and start recording.

"You got the stuff" the blonde kid said "can we please don't start" "okay okay" the kid sit next to Tom Jana shack me "hey maybe Tom is chetting" she whispered to me "we need poof" I snapped a picture of them "wanna hangout today" Tom didn't respond fast "okay" "yeah let's go" he grabbed Tom hand I took a snap of that they made a portal and went through it.

We went out of the tree I smiled "looked at these pictures" Jana looked at them "this is the best second thing" "do we need to still followed them" "of course Jana let's go" I made a portal we are at a demon hangout.

"What is this place" "the demon hangout" we open the door and sat in one of the table "so this is like a bar" "yup look there they are" I pointed at them we change the table so we can be closer to them "oh my god Bill your drunk all ready" "come on it won't kill you" to be honest I never know Tom did drunk.

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