Interview/Bhind the sense

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Mia : hello is me, the writer of Come dance with me and me the cast will ask your questions and bhind the sense to follow me when we talk to the cast.

Mia "So Marco how does it feel being here"

Marco "great actually so much drama and passion you know"

Mia: "good good how about the cast have a problem with them"

Marco: "okay I don't want to blame fingers but Tom keeps eating my f**king cupcakes like come on just ask me okay like God"

Mia: "okay I'm just going to go"

Marco: "and all the lemonade and the pudding and the worst thing of all he keeps on eating the nachos"


Bhind the sense

"Come dance with me" "CUT" "oh come on this is the six shoot" "I don't care Tom maybe is you don't messed it up it will be perfect" *hit Tom with news paper* "now action" "Come dance with me" "CUT" "you know what that was perfect" "no it wasn't" *hit him again with news paper* "listen when the character say the title of the movie or book they need to be passion, now let's go again" "Come dance with me" "CUT" "okay how was that" "perfect, keep rolling"

Now under the blood

"Okay kiss" *Mia whispered* "CUT" *everybody stop but not Tom Marco are still kissing* "hey stop, that enough we have it" "I'm talking to you, froget"

Flowers sense

"Are these the flowers you want?" "CUT" "Brian what the hell" "what" "you got the right flowers, the joke was you bring the wrong one" *Brian was about to cry* "I don't care cry it's not that sad just pity, now let's do this sense again"

All kissing sense

"Mia do you want us to stop" "hell no I wasn't even plan them to go this far, but you know who cares"

"Okay everyone this is the school sense where the hell is Marco and Tom" *Mia starts looking for them* "Star have you seen Marco and Tom" "no but can we change something" "like what" "can we change in the real blood moon Marco kiss Star" "no" *walks away slowly*.

*Finds them in the closet* "oh come on this would be perfect"


"Puppy you okay?" "hold up puppy?" "yeah" "no it's bunny" "why?" "because it's bunny for a reason cause you have a pet bunny" "oh okay" let's again.

"Babe are you okay" "babe are you serious?" "I did that on purpose my mistake let's go again"

"Honey are you okay" *Tom burst out laughing* "TOM" "hahahaha okay okay I'm going to stop I promise I'm going to stop"

"Sweetie pie are you okay" *Tom drops on the ground laughing* "hahahaha you got admit that was funny" "no it wasn't"

Weather problems

"Okay start the snow" *Mia whispered* *it starts raining* "CUT, BILL WHAT THE HECK" "hahahaha okay okay I do it right" *jelly beans appear* "hahahaha oh my god that was funny, I-Im going to stop" *kitty cats appear* "HAHAHAHA"

Mia: "well that's all we have remember to ask some questions in there interview after, the big fight"

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