Chapter 9

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Marco p.o.v

I woke up beside Tom on the floor. I tapped Tom to wake up it didn't work so I grabbed my pillow and hit him "ow what was that for" "I try tapping you" Tom put his hand over his face "w-what happened last night" "we ate ice cream and watch movie" I got up and made up my bed. Someone knocked on the door Tom quickly got up he went under my bed,I went to the door and answer it.

"Hey Marco" it was only Star she entered my room "Marco I'm sorry" "it's fine I forgive you" she hugged me I did the same she pulled away "I have a date" I looked at her shocked "who is it" "Oscer" she ran out of the room I closed the door behind her. Tom crawled underneath the bed.

"Who's Oscer" "Star crush" Tom nodded, why did he want to know oh my gosh Tom still doesn't like Star right. When I was thinking Tom shake me "Marco you heard what I said" "sorry no" he gave me a face and let out a sigh "I said where you want to go" he went to my drawer and grabbed a gray shirt "we can go to the mall" he nodded with a smile I grabbed some pants and a shirt "hold on I'm going to change" "okay" I went out of the room to go to the bathroom.

Tom p.o.v

After Marco left I went to my phone to text Bairn. I need to learn more about this 'Oscer'.

Tom: Bairn I have a task for you

Bairn: what is it?

Tom: I need you to follow Star on her date

Bairn: what happens if she cache's me?

Tom: for the love of God, fine is she does tell her your going to the store k

Bairn: okay anything else

Tom: meet me by the mall and get a stuffed animal for Marco

Bairn: okay Tom I do it

I turned off my phone I went Marcos draw to put some clothes on I grabbed some blue jeans and keep the shirt I'm wearing, Marco came back he's wearing a black shirt and jeans. I giggled "what's so funny" "we are literally wearing the same thing just different shirt" he looked at me confused but looked down "I'm not changing you have to change" "fine".

Marco p.o.v

We went to the underworld so Tom can change he's wearing his suit again, we finally made to the mall Tom looked shock I just it's his first time in a mall "oh so it's basically like Quest Bay" "kinda" I looked at around I turned my head and Tom was gone.

"Tom?" I looked around I start running to find Tom I couldn't find him anywhere. I heard a sceam "oh no" I followed the sound hoping it will lead me to him but it didn't. I start to panic I heard giggles I turned my head I see Tom at the ice cream store talking to some girls I ran up to him "Tom what the heck" he looked at me confused "what happened" "I looked everywhere for you" I crossed my arms I wasn't mad him leaving I'm mad that he's with girls I'm not jealous.

I start leaving but Tom grabbed my hand "sorry bunny I got you ice cream" he passed me the ice cream but I was still mad "your you jealous" "I'm not jealous" I yelled at him he just starting laughing "gosh your a cutie when your mad" "shut up" I grabbed the ice cream and start licking it.

We start walking to stores "what's that" Tom pointed to a toy store we went inside it was big he pointed at the thing it was a remote control car "I must have this" he grabbed it and start walking to the exit I stopped him "Tom you have to buy that" he looked at me confused "I didn't have to buy that" he pointed at the ice cream I was eating "wait so how you got it" "those nice ladies gave it to me" I realized now they it to him cause Tom's hot I guess "Tom you have to buy it" "wait why" I salp my forehead "cause you just can't you not allowed to steal" "well that's stupid" he told me "how" "if they don't want people to steal why do they just leave something out of the opening" Tom has a point but still "Tom I buy for it okay" he nodded I went to the cashier and buy it we left the store.

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