Chapter 19

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Tom p.o.v

Me and Marco decided to start all over again, no more lying I'm done with that I'm going to try to make it all better,

"Tom your turn" I broke my train of thought, we were outside of the mind scape playing chess on Marco's bed eating pizza, I moved my man "sucker" Marco said taking my man, my eyes start glowing red I flipped the board in rage Marco just glear at me "now you understand why, we don't play games" I pucker my lips while my eyes start fading back to normal.

"So what now?" he said making me smile I kept on my eyes on him thinking of what to do then I got a great idea "have you ever had your ears pierce?" he's eyes widened "no no you not piercing my ears" he said procting his ears I let out a sigh "come on it's going to be fun" I said getting up from bed.

"No I'm not going to do it" he said standing up form the bed I went to his draw to find a pin "do you hear me, I'm not going to do" I ingoroed him awhile humming I finally find a pin and face Marco with a wicked smile on my face he gulped "no" "come on it's perfectly safe" I said he thought about "and beside you won't feel anything, and I did it all the time" I lied but I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing.

He sighed as a yes, he layed on the bed breathing hard I heat up the pin I'm pretty sure that's how they do it, he squeeze my hand "don't worry" I said he nodded Jesus Christ help me "1....2....3" I said putting the pin in his ear "AAAAHHH" "AAAAHHH" we both screamed I quickly pulled the pin out of his ear, there was a lot of blood "AAAAHHH" Marco was still screaming I grabbed something to cover the blood.

"My pillow case, what the heck" Marco said biting his lip "sorry" I said the bleeding was stopping I sigh in relief "okay the next" I said excited but still kinda worried he squeeze my hand really tight I whimper in pain "just one more ear" I said he let go of my hand "I'm going to do this quick" "wait-" before he can finish I put the pin in the other ear and pulled it out "that wasn't hard" I said kissing his check he growled at me "I get some water".

After I got the water I wet the paper towel and put under Marcos left ear "why did you want to pierce​ my ears anyway?" Marco questioned I looked at his brown eyes "to give you this" I pulled a tiny black box out of my pocket kneeing on one knee "what are you going to ring my ear" he said sarcastically "haha your so funny" I said sarcastically​ to making him laugh.

I opened the box, Marco gasped covering his mouth "Tom there are beautiful" "just like you" I said he grabbed one earring "I put them on right now but my ears hurt" he said laughing he put it back closing the box he cupped my face kissing me on the lips and bit my lip pulling away give me a big hug "I loved them I love you" before I can respond we heard a knock on the door it was Star "I be right back" Marco said leaving the room.

Marco p.o.v

I am the luckiest guy on earth I'm happy I got Tom other chance, "hey Marco- what happened to your ears" she said panicking "oh I just got my ears pierced by Tom" I covered my month realizing what I just said the plan was not to tell Star that me and Tom are back together.

"Tom?" She said worried I looked down "yeah we got back together" I waited for a respond but got a slapped instead gosh that hurt I put my hand on my check I looked at Star crying "how can you do that Marco" she said running to her room.

I ran to her room but she slammed the door "I can't believe you Star your selfish" I said yelled at the door, she opened it "after all did for you still went back to him" "that doesn't matter Star, I'm happy again don't you want me to be happy" I yelled at her she didn't reply and went back to her room and slammed the door.

I grip on my hair going back to my room, I can't believe her why is she doing this.

Tom p.o.v

As I was laying on the bed the door slammed I fall on the floor "Tom?" it was Marco I stand up "I'm okay" I laughed it off I looked at Marco he was sad I went close to him.

"Wanna talked about it?" I said pulling him to a hug "no, I'm good" he doesn't want to talked about it, I will wait if he wants to talk about it I looked at his ears "hey your ears look okay, wanna try the earrings" I said smiling he nodded I opened the box and put the earrings on and covering his eyes "really?" "yes" I reply I pulled him to the mirror and put my hands away from his face he just looked at his reflection.

I shake him making him focus on me "they are beautiful like you" he didn't respond he just blushing making me giggled I kissed his cheek but my surprise he leaned in a kissing me, it was a soft kiss but then turned rough he quickly warped his arms around my neck I let out a moan he grabbed my hands putting his hands around his waist, we start walking backwards to a chair he was now on top of me kissing me passionately.

For some reason I grabbed his ass making him moan, he pulled away and start taking off his sweater and shirt leaving him shirtless he went back to the kiss he licked my bottom lip asking for entering my mouth making me moan.

As our tongues battle it out Marco start attacking my neck and bitting it making me moan he smiled, Marco was going to fast but I really didn't care he starts unzipping my pants making me gasped in surprise he pulled down my pants with my boxers and start licking my member.

I rolled my eyes back of my head feeling so much pressure he always bit the tip making me moan louder he licked like it was a ice cream I grip on his hair making him sucking it "I'm colse" I said panting for air he just winked at me he went in on this one he bit harder and sucking hader but before I can tell him I percum in his mouth he swallowed it making me hader again.

I pulled up my pants and boxers while Marco still on me , I realized something that made me chuckle "what?" he said tilling his head "you are still wearing the earrings" I said making him touched his ears realize I was right he blushed and took them off "what time is it?" he said putting his shirt and sweater back on.

I looked at the clock "5:37am" I totally forget he went to school "be right back" he said excited and left the room.

He came back, I was laying on the bed he came back with "Ice Cream!" I quickly got up and grabbed the ice cream out of his hands "your welcome" he said sitting down next to me "can I ask you a something" he said looking at me I nodded cause my mouth it's fill with ice cream "poem?" after he said that I almost choked he wants me to take him to poem I don't anything against that I was just shocked.

"Wait" I said putting my ice cream away, I knee down "Marco will you go to poem with me?" even know he asked me I wanted to be romantic "but I asked you?" he said "let's do this all over" he said putting me on the bed and him on his knees "Tom will you go to poem with me?" I chuckled "yes" I said kissing his forehead.

He jumped in the air and went back eating his ice cream I wanted to ask him what did Star say but not now that doesn't matter, we cuddling each other making my chest his pillow "what do you want to watch?" he said looking at me "I don't care" "how rude" he said making me giggled "we are watching rush hour 2" I sigh this is going to be a long night.

Star p.o.v

"I was going to ask you" I whisper, I use the all seeing eye spell to spy on Marco.

I looked through my spell book to find the perfect love spell but nothing.

I growled in rage thinking of what I can do "but poem is tommorow" I said under my breath I crewing on some gum still thinking but I got idea.

"Two boys?" I said making a bubble, I realized that I don't need magic for this problem "well maybe a little" I said giggled. "Tommorow I speak to the pencilpal, and ask for a favor" I said laughing I went to my closet.

"This will be perfect" I picked out a pink long dress to wear for poem, my plan is going to be perfect a no one is going to messed this up.

"Not even you Tom".

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