Party/Anniversary/ Question

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A shadowy figure appears as she sat down on her seat and waved at the cameras "hello everyone" her voice very so sweetly "and welcome to-"

"THE ANNIVERSARY!" her co worker appear who is also a black figure.

"F, what the hell dude?" The author said. F just shrug "hi" she wave at the camera.

"Anyway, welcome to the set and-"

"We're going to give you guys a tour!"

The author just look at F before continuing "and also-"

"Answering questions!" F said as she wall off with the camera crew follow her.

The author groaned before she walks with them.


"As we're walking around, I decide to ask questions-"

"We don't have questions"

"And? I'm still going to do it" the author said with a shrug.

"First question would be something like: what made you decide to write this story" The  author said as she lean against the wall.

"What inspire me to do this was-

"Because one day you was looking up fanfics of Tomco and decided to make your own, you never knew it would be this popular so you decide to write more and made a sequel but you stop writing the sequel because everything was over the place!" F answered.

The author look at her "...yes"


"Second question: why you like Tomco?" The author said.

The author look at F, so she doesn't  interpret her "go ahead dude"


"She likes Tomco because she saw a fan art of them and start loving the ship, she has a Tomco wallpaper on her phone"

The author muttered something under her breathe before nodding

"Can we get something to eat?" F ask. The author sigh "sure"

They went to the food table while the camera crew follow. They snack on a candy bar and all the sudden, sar pop out of nowhere while riding a dragon with Janna, she is riding a skateboard, holding the dragon tall. They literally pop out of nowhere, making a hole in the ceiling of the studio.

"MY ROOF!" The author yelled. F kept on eating her candy bar ""

Then all the sudden, people from different fandoms appear. Sooner or later a party start happening.

"HEY! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY-WAIT IS THAT CONNER?" the author ask before running to him with a piece of paper.

F tap at the camera men "do we get more views or...?" She asked.

Camera crew shrug. She only nodded and look in the camera, holding it.

"By the way, the author isn't good in english, I know you guys notice that so, please, give her a break?"

She hand it back to the camera crew "thanks"


In the crazy party. They forgot all about the interview until a worry Marco appeared "guys, I thought we-"

"Hey Marco get a drink" the author said passing him a red cup but he just refused "not trying to get drunk-"

"First off, this is soda"


"Second off, when is the last tiem you got drunk?"

"I don't remember, you want to know why? Oh, yeah because I was dunk!"

The author glare while she had a arm around F "...are you being sassy?"

Marco face plamed "where is Tom?"

"Why, because you to tell him your secret?"

Marco suddenly blushed at the words.

F eyes widened while author choke on her drink. Author went to the camera crew "get this on video" she then dog whistle "EVERYBODY GET OUT WE'RE GETTING A MOMENT WITH MY OTP!"

The other fandoms left the studio. The author grab Marco hand. They look at each other "are you sure?" Marco only  nodded as the author sigh "okay" soon Tom appear "I miss the party? Oh this is bull-"

"Tom" Marco quietly said as he walk to him "I have something to say-"

"I have something to say to you first" Tom then dug in his pockets once he find what he was looking for. He hide it behind him and went on one knee.

"What the fu-" F said as the author shut her mouth.

"This might be silly and all but bunny I love you"


"I want to share everything with you, I want to show the world how much you mean to me, I want to see the world how much you mean to me and if that involves a ring... so beat it, I would be happy to show the world that to, so bunny would you marry me?"

Marco stared at him shock. This has to be the greatest moment of his life. He chuckled "of course" Tom grin as he hug his bunny, Marco hugged tighter.

The girls sigh in relief. Thank God.

The two boys soon start kissing, hungrily, passionately, lustly.

"Whoa, Tom, don't grope Marco until the honeymoon" the author said, she wink at the camera.

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