Chapter 29- Drama Queen

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"U-Um.." I start saying, but Jace interrupts me.
"I may not know a lot about being a 'fake boyfriend', but I do know one thing- I want you, and only you."

He looks at me, and his blue eyes are full of hope and his smile is amazingly charming.

I start nodding my head, and his smile gets bigger.
"Yes." I say.
He lets out a sigh of relief, and hugs me.
He lifts me up a little, and starts twirling me around.
I start laughing, and he puts me down.

"I loved that little speech you added in." I say while smiling at him.
He laughs, "Yeah, I've been rehearsing it all day."

"OH MY GOD!!" Ryan yells.
"He asked you to be his girlfriend! That's amazing!" Anna yells.
"We're happy for you." Chase says as he digs through my fridge.

"Oh my god! This is the best thing that has happened in the whole world, and it didn't even happen to me!" Ryan yells.

"I hate to ruin this celebration, but you have nothing to eat." Chase says.
"Wanna order Chinese?" Anna asks.
"Are they still open at 11pm?" Chase asks.
"I'll check." Ryan says.

My phone dings, and it's a message from Jace.

"Hey, I have a race tonight and I want you to be there. Feel free to bring your friends."-Jace.

"Sure, we'll be there soon."-Aspen.

"Jace wants us to come to his race tonight." I say.
They all agree to go, and Anna and I go change out of our pajamas.

"What do you wear to this kind of thing?" Anna asks.
"I don't know what to wear." I say.
"That's what we have Ryan for." Anna says.
"RYAN!" We both yell at the same time.
"Yeah?" Ryan says as he walks in my room.
"We don't know what to wear." Anna says.
His eyes light up, and he shoves us away from the closet.

Ryan is like a little kid at Christmas time when he picks out clothes for people.
"This is for you." He says while handing Anna an outfit.
"And this is for you." He says while handing me mine.
"Now go put them on." He says while shoving us in the other room.

"You like it?" Anna asks.
I look at her outfit, and it's so pretty.
She's wearing a ripped skinny jeans, and a striped crop top.
"So pretty!" I say.
"I can say the same about yours." She says while looking at my outfit.
Ryan chose me out black ripped skinny jeans, and a black crop top.

I put my hair in a messy bun, and we leave to go to Jace's race.

"Woah, it's crowded here." Anna says as we pull up to the race.
"Yeah." Ryan agrees.
We park the car, and we try finding Jace.

"Do you see him?" Anna asks.
"No." I say.

"Hey Aspen." A voice from behind me says.
I turn around and see Ryder looking at me.
"Uh h-hi?" I say.
"Can we talk?" He asks.
"I just want to talk."
I look back at my friends, and they are all giving Ryder death glares.
"Please?" He asks again.
I sigh, "Fine. Let's go."
He nods and starts walking away.
I look back at my friends, and give them a reassuring nod, and then follow Ryder.

We stand away from everyone, and it's quiet.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"I wanted to say I'm sorry."

I laugh, "You're sorry? You have no idea what you put me through all those years."
"I'm apologizing." He says again.
I scoff at him, "Just because you say 'I'm sorry', doesn't mean I'll forgive you and forget about everything!" I yell getting frustrated.

He laughs, "You were always quite the drama queen." He says.

"You treated me like shit for years! How am I being a drama queen?!
"Relax." He says while sighing.
"Relax? I have scars all over my body from you!"
He looks away from me, and looks at the ground.
"Shut the fuck up!" He yells at me.

I shove him, and he stumbles back but manages to stay on his feet.
"I fucking hate you." I say as I look him dead in the eye.

He laughs, "Your sister is probably turning in her grave at your attitude problem." He says with a smirk.

A/N: hope you enjoyed this chapter💕

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