Chapter One

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Whelp here's my first chapter. Tell me how you like it.

"Sabrina, wake up lazy head," Austin said as he sat on me jumping up and down like a little kid.

"No," I managed to get out.

"Please," Austin begged sticking his bottom lip out.

"Fine, then you have to get off me," I struggled.

Austin hopped off of me pulling me up by my arms. I lived with Austin and his four band mates Aaron, Tino, Phil, and Alan.We started making our way out to the kitchen. Everybody was fully dressed and here I am in my pjs and my messy bun.

"Hey look sleeping beauty is finally up," Phil pointed out. I flipped him off as I walked by to the refrigerator.

"Somebody's cat claws are out this morning," Tino chuckled.

"Fuck you Tino," I spat.

"You know I would love to darling, but I don't think Austin would let me," he was dieing of laughter by now. Austin just gave me a chill out kind of look.

"Sorry guys I've been a little on edge lately."

"It's alright we were just joking anyway."

"So whose ready for Warped in a couple of days," Austin shouted.

"I can't wait," I said anticipated.

I looked around and kind of zoned out when I realized the only one who hasn't spoken this morning was Alan. That kid has been glued to his phone. I wonder who he is texting? probably some fake bimbo.

"Hey uh Austin I will be back I'm going to go for a walk," I told him.

"Okay make sure you're back before dark."

"Okay father," I said sarcastically.

I grabbed my phone and put my hoodie on. I started walking down the street when I saw some guy beating somebody up. I couldn't tell if it was a guy or a girl. I slowly approached him. As I got closer I realized it was a girl.

"Hey, hey don't hit her!" I shouted at him. I was only across the street from our house.

"Mind your own fucking business bitch," he spat while hitting me. Austin must have heard him shouting because he came running over.

"Don't you ever put your hands on a women. It's okay if you do it to a guy but come on man this isn't a fair fight here. You know what you're weak that's why you beat women," Austin grabbed me and brought me back home. We walked in through the door and everyone looked up at me. What were they staring at.

"Here let's put some ice on that," Austin grabbed a ice pack and gently held it to my cheek.

"Ow" I winced in pain.

"What were you thinking trying to defend you and another person," Austin asked his voice full of either anger, sadness, or worry I couldn't really tell.

"Sorry I was trying to help that girl and wasn't thinking," I yelled.

"That's the thing, you're too nice and don't think," Austin yelled back. He had never yelled at me before. Tears were threatening to spill. I grabbed my stuff and ran upstairs. I layed on my bed and let the tears fly. A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door.

"Go away!" I let slip out.

"Not until you unlock this door Sabrina," I heard Austin's voice come through the door. I started getting up and unlocked the door.

"I'm sorry I never meant to yell like that," Austin said hugging me to his bare chest.

"It's okay I just didn't want to fight so I ran from the problem," I admitted. I soon found myself falling asleep in Austin's arms. I had cried myself asleep. Again. One thing I knew is that Austin will always be there for me.


So this is just to start my fanfic out. I know not to much communication with Alan. Read the next chapter to find out who he was texting and find out what kind of drama they might bring in. Vote. Comment. Message me. Follow me.

Falling For Him [Book 1] *COMPLETED*(♡Alan Ashby♡)Where stories live. Discover now