Chapter 15

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Here ya go darlings!

Sabrina's POV

Maybe Kellin was right. What if Alan does break my heart? I don't think he would waste all this time to get me to be with him. I walked over to Alan after Kellin left and pecked him on the cheek.

"I have to ask him for his blessing if I want to marry you?" Alan scoffed. "He doesn't even know me and he is judging me, I would never hurt you."

"I know Alan, calm down. He is the closest thing to family that I have." I didn't want to think anything bad anymore I have a month left of Warped. It was good and bad. Good because I get to see my family and my beautiful niece Copeland, I get to sleep in a real bed, and I get to spend more time with Alan. Bad because I will miss everyone, I will have to start helping my cousin with planning more of her wedding and that is stressful, and Alan will have to leave in two months to go on a 3 week tour. I was going to be lonely in that time, but I could  alway visit my wonderful cousin and hang out with her if she doesn't plan on going with CC on tour. Speaking of Deanna I should go find her. "I am going to go look for Deanna. I have to see how she is doing with her pre wedding jitters." Alan leaned down and kissed me and I walked off.

Deanna's POV

I was so nervous I have six weeks until my wedding and I only have our dresses, suits, and flowers. That means I still have to order the cake, send out invites, get our venue all decorated on the beach, food, music, and much more. The dresses are no where to be seen by CC so I am good. I picked Sabrina as my maid of honor because I would be hers if she was in my shoes.

"Babe, I'm heading out to meet Sabrina!" I called for CC. He walked out shirtless and bent down to give me a kiss.

"You ready to be Mrs.Coma?" he asked whilst smirking.

"As ready as I will ever be," I giggled and set out to find Sabrina. I walked around the merch tents to get to Of Mice & Men's tent was. I was happy that Sabrina was happy. I am glad that Alan makes Sabrina happy but I swear to god if he hurts her, I will kill him and I won't think twice about it. Sabrina has been like a sister to me. We grew up together so we might as well be. I walked around Sleeping With Sirens tent and as I walked I said hi to Kellin and Justin. I came around and saw Sabrina walking away from Alan. Probably went to go look for me. 

"Sabrina!" I called. She turned and smiled at me.

"Hey, I was just getting ready to go look for you!" she said. I smiled at her remembering all the times that we had together, good and bad. "So after the wedding are you leaving to go on tour with CC when they leave?" she asked.

"I dunno, I might." I wasn't really thinking about after I got married. I was still in a daze. "So how are you and Alan?" I asked. Her smile started fading. Uh oh.

"Kellin and Alan shared a few words earlier and it wasn't pretty and I....I just love them both so much....I couldn't possibly pick one. That would be like CC picking you or Andy, he can't." She was now upset.

"So what happened exactly?" I asked. I had a serious face on now.

"Kellin just being a bit overly protective and Alan showing his love for me," she sighed and kicked a rock that was in her way. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out. Shit!! It was 4 o'clock, CC and I are having a night to ourselves tonight and I have to be ready by 6.

"Hey Beannie, I hate to cut you short but I have to get ready for my date with CC." 

"Oh okay I will talk to you tommorrow or something," she sighed and reached for a hug. I hugged her and she turned around on her heels.

Falling For Him [Book 1] *COMPLETED*(♡Alan Ashby♡)Where stories live. Discover now