Chapter 6

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Sabrina's POV

I heard a faint beeping in my ears. I couldn't see anything, it was completely dark. It was as if somebody had thrown me in a dark ocean or a dark room or even in a burlap sack. I kind of figured the last one was impossible. I don't think they make burlap sacks that big or do they? I started coming to my senses and I felt something suction cupped to my face. I started lifting up my arm to remove the contraption that was on my face.

"Guys she's awake!" I heard someone shout. I started opening up my eyes to see everyone frantically running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

"Go get a nurse or a doctor!" a man covered in tattoos with dark brown hair shouted out of what I think to be a hospital room. Moments later a man in a white lab coat came in.

"Hello Miss Bostwick," the man in the white coat said.

"Hello and why am I in the hospital," I glared at all the guys.

"Well your brothers here said you couldn't breath and they rushed you here."

"Oh yeah I have had a few Aszma attacks when I was younger, but I haven't had one in years."

"Well keep an inhaler with you at all times and you are safe to leave a little later," the doctor informed handing my inhaler to Austin walking out of my room.

"Geezus, don't scare me like that Sabrina," Austin exclaimed.

"Sorry, I haven't had a attack since I was 7, I thought I was free and clear." I still had one question on my head that I was afraid of asking. How many days have I been out?

"Earth to Sabrina," Alan snapped his fingers.

"What?" I snapped.

"The guys went to go get your stuff and then we can leave."

"Hey Alan?"

"Mhm," he mumbled.

"How long have I been here?" I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. He hesitated to answer.

"A day and a half," he mumbled barely audible.

"That bad?" I asked.


"Alan, does Deanna know?"

"No, CC told us not to tell her. He said she would get all worried and she wouldn't sleep if she knew you were here."

"Alan did anybody stay?"


"Who?" I could tell he was getting tired of answering questions.

"Austin and I," he replied.

"Thank you Alan."

"That's what friends are for," he sighed. We had talked the whole time until the boys came back with my stuff. Alan never left my side the whole time.

"Here's your clothes," Austin handed me a bag with black skinny jeans, a black and white BVB band tank top, some undergarments and a pair of TOMS. I gratefully took the bag standing up heading for the bathroom. I grasped the back of my gown and walked backward to the bathroom.

"I ain't falling for that again, where you guys get to see my ass," I hissed as I contunued walking shutting and locking the door. I took all my clothes out of the bag stripping myself of my old hospital gown. I slipped on my new underwear and bra that did not match. Typical Austin. I threw the remaining of my clothes on putting the clothes that I came here with in the bag. I went to walk out when I heard someone speaking. I recognised it as Alan.

Falling For Him [Book 1] *COMPLETED*(♡Alan Ashby♡)Where stories live. Discover now