21- sexual content, you have been warned

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Alan and I have been spending more time together, but in a month he has to leave for tour. I don't know what we are defined as. I love him and I can't lose him again. I sat up and went to take a bath. I have been staying here with the guys and I needed to relax. I stripped my clothes and filled the tub. I turned on my music and climbed in. I sang along to every song I knew. I heard a knock at the door and Alan came through the door. He smirked at me.

"Really?" I questioned. "Now?" I sighed, smiling. He just smirked and moved closer to me, then hovered over me. Alan removed his shirt. I stared at him, running my hand over his perfectly sculpted body. I could already see his growing erection.

Alan leaned down and placed a kiss on my forehead, he then proceeded to remove his jeans and boxers. He picked me up, some how managing to grab a towel. Alan then placed the towel on the floor, then me. He reached to the towel rack and grabbed another towel.

"I'm gonna dry you off..." He mumbled. Alan took the towel and began drying off my legs, moving closer to my sex as he did. I let out a slight whimper, as i was getting impatient with his slow pace. He chuckled seductively and threw the towel to the side. Alan spread my leg open and stuck his head between them.

I felt myself get wetter as his hot breath hit my sex. I let out a moan as I felt his tonuge connect with my sex. He flicked his tonuge over my clit a couple of times beforeI grabbed his head and tried to leave no space between our bodies. I moaned so loud, but I tried to cover it up so no one else but Alan would hear.

Alan remove his head and looked me right in the eyes, before shoving a finger in me. I gasped in response, arching my back at the same time. He started thrusting, but with no warning he added a second one.

I just about screamed, but Alan had placed his free hand over my mouth. I sighed, as I felt my orgasm getting closer. Just when I was about to climax, Alan removed his fingers.

"Asshole.." I mumbled, feeling sweat dribble off my face. Alan chuckled again, moving towards my neck, biting and sucking causing me to whimper. I was gonna have a hicky now. Thanks Alan. He ran his hands down to my boobs and pinched my nipple, causing me to moan.

Alan moved his head down to my breast and began to suck on my nipples. I almost screamed again, but tried to hold it.

"are you almost done in the bath." Austin asked, knocking on the door. I mumbled a yes, trying not to moan. "Okay, and by the way, if you see Alan, tell him to clean up his mess." I mumbled another yes, while Alan was trying not to laugh too loud.

"Alan..." I said breathlessy. "Just fuck me." He nodded, and plowed himself into me. I screamed, a little to loud. Alan started laughing.

"Jesus Christ." Austin said, walking by the bathroom door. I laughed, but soon moaned, feeling Alan start to thrust again. I moaned, and grunted. My walls were moving closer, around his sex, and I soon felt myself orgasm, but of course, I had to moan really loudly. Alan came shortly after, panting. And this. This moment, was when I knew I was in love with him.

Falling For Him [Book 1] *COMPLETED*(♡Alan Ashby♡)Where stories live. Discover now