Chapter 4

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So here's chapter 4. I hope you guys like it. Vote. Comment. Add me.

Sabrina's POV

I woke up to sun shinning in through the crack into my bunk. I rolled over not thinking landing on the hard floor with a thud. I might have had a bottom bunk but it was a couple feet off the ground.

"Sabrina, are you okay?" I heard someone shout whisper. I put my thumb up to show that I was okay and I lifted myself of the floor and made my way out to the front of the bus. I started searching for food when my phone started blaring Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls. My favorite.

"Hello," my cousin Deanna said through the phone.

"Hey Deanna."

"Want to head out to check out the venue?" she asked.

"Yeah sure let me take a shower and wake the guys up."

"Sweet. Meet you by the main stage."

"Yup see you soon." We said our farewells. I started making my way back to the bunks to wake the guys up.

"UP UP UP UP!" I shouted. All I got back were groans.

"C'MON GUYS GET UP IT'S 1 IN THE FREAKING AFTERNOON!" I shouted again. This time they started rolling out of bed. I started heading toward the small bathroom taking my sleepwear off. I pulled my hair out of its tight but sloppy bun turning the hot water on. I stepped in the hot running water letting it beat down on my head and back. I quickly shampooed and conditioned my hair and washed my body. I stepped out of the shower and the whole room was steamy. I reached for my towel to dry off and realized I forgot my clothes.

I opened the door a little bit to make sure that the boy's wouldn't see me. All I had to do was go to my suitcase grab my clothes and head back to the bathroom. It seemed easy enough, so I headed out. I made it to my bunk and got my suitcase out grabbing some clothes. I went to grab my final thing when I heard whistling coming from behind me. I turned and saw know other than Ashby himself.

"What do you want Ashby?"

"Nothing I just came back to get my phone and then I saw that someone forgot something to," he smirked.

"Wipe that smirk off your face," I said as I made my way back to the bathroom. I put on a pair of jean shorts and a black and white Anthem Made tank top. I slipped on a pair of black and white converse. I brushed my teeth and hair throwing it up into a bun and spraying it down with hair spray. I walked back to my bunk grabbing my phone on my way out. I walked by Austin sitting down.

"Morning or afternoon whatever you want to call it," I greeted them.

"Morning," I got back from them.

"I'm going to head out, but I won't miss your show," I said.

"Are you gonna eat lunch or breakfast with us," Austin asked.

"Um I will eat dinner later with ya, but I want to get some pictures of the venue before we head out tonight," I called back as I walked out of the bus door with my phone and camera in my hands. I started making my way over to the mainstage taking pictures of different things as walked. I took a nice picture of our merch tent. I saw Deanna standing at the corner of the main stage. I waved to her and walked toward her.

"Hi," I greeted her.

"Hey," she said walking closer to me pulling me in a hug.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Um let's just walk around until we get somewhere," she laughed. We started walking until we came upon All Time Low's merch tent where I saw Alex waving to us.

Falling For Him [Book 1] *COMPLETED*(♡Alan Ashby♡)Where stories live. Discover now