Chapter 13

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Thank you for all the reads and votes you guys are great!

Sabrina's POV

Alan was so excited I said yes that we lost track of time and we had to rush back to the buses. He grabbed every thing and we walked fastly back to the bus laughing at how stupid we were when we were younger.

The bus finally came into view and just in time. It was 9 o'clock and the buses were getting ready to head to the next venue. We opened the door and I could tell the guys were in on Alan's plan because Austin gave him a "well" look.

"She said yes!" I probably just made Alan the happiest person alive.

Everyone cheered and Austin grabbed a six pack out from the fridge and handed everyone a beer. It was about 2 in the morning and we finally made it to the next town and I couldn't take the bus full of people anymore. At least it seemed like the bus was full of people. I crawled up on to the top of the bus and took a sip from the big bottle of the hard bitter liquor that I snuck from the inside of the bus.

If Austin knew how much I drank tonight he wouldn't be to pleased with me. I took another sip of the numbing liquid. I took out my phone and noticed I had a couple texts from the guys asking where I am and I had 2 texts from an unknown number. I texted the guys I was okay and that I'm on top of the bus. I finally opened the unknown numbers text; the curiosity was eating me alive.

Unknown Number: Alan will never love you like he loved me!

Unknown Number:Watch yourself! Your time will come!

I shuddered as I read them. Maybe this person is right maybe Alan is just saying he loves me but doesn't. He wouldn't have went through all that trouble on our date if he didn't mean it. I deleted the texts so Alan wouldn't see them. I finished off the bottle of liquor and realized it was about 4 o'clock in the morning. I stumbled down the sun roof thing and jumped down falling. I layed down on the couch a fell asleep.

Austin's POV

I was so happy that my two best friends finally realized their love for each other. We decided to celebrate by having a couple beers but then a couple turned into a lot more. We invited like everyone and around 2 this morning I realized Sabrina wasn't here. I had to watch her when she drinks she doesn't know how to stop. She had gotten better and then recently she started drinking even more again.

"Hey Alex have you seen Sabrina?" I asked our buddy from All Time Low.

"Yeah man I saw her go on top of the bus about 5 minutes ago. She said something about too many people in a small area."

"Hey man thanks," I thanked him and got back to my partying because every part of that seemed true she never liked a lot of people. I watched as many of our guests played beer pong on our tiny table that we would call our kitchen table. Many just danced or were passed out every where. I took the opertunity to head in the back and lay down for a bit.

Alan's POV

I don't really remember much after a good night of drinking but I could still remember Sabrina and I's date. I will never forget that. I am hers and she is mine. I don't want to drink too much because tomorrow I am going to follow Sabrina around and watch her take pictures if she don't drink too much herself. She is just so perfect in every way I could imagine. I've never felt this way about anyone before. Not even Brooke!

I wonder where she is anyway. I shoot her a text asking where she is and she replied a few minutes later saying away from the party. I figured she needed alone time and I went to lay in her bunk until she came to bed. I crawled under the covers and what seemed like forever the bed dipped a bit and I felt somebody wrap their arms around me. I rolled over I kissed Sabrina on the forehead and she buried her head in my chest.

"Good night," I whispered.

"Good night," she whispered.

5 Votes and maybe a few follows because I follow back!!

So this is the best I can do for the next couple of days or so because I am having my Birthday party this Saturday and Sunday I am going to my Grandma's for the day and then I have school. Next Saturday my step sister has her tournament on my birthday the 14th so I won't be on so maybe that Sunday.

Falling For Him [Book 1] *COMPLETED*(♡Alan Ashby♡)Where stories live. Discover now