Chapter 23 Trigger Warning Sort of....

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So the chapter I had kinda deleted. Anyway thank you my lovelies for the votes! Here is the chapter as promise.

Alan's POV

We got back from the beach at around 8:30. This wasn't over. I had more in plan for tonight. I grabbed Sabrina's hand and pulled her up to her room. I had left the ring up stairs before we left. I sat her down on the bed of rose pedals and poured us each a glass of wine.

"Cheers to being together?" I sort of asked Sabrina and we clanked our wine glasses together.

"Cheers!" we said together. I stood up and walked over to the dresser and grabbed the little white box that said Promise written in fancy lettering. The ring was perfect for her. The ring was silver with a red ruby cat and diamond eyes on it. I sat back down and Sabrina gave me a questioning look. I turned to Sabrina and gave her the small box.

"Sabrina, this promise ring is for you as long as you promise to be mine forever. I love you and I could never imagine being with anybody else. Promise me you will stay," I said with hopeful eyes.

"Alan I promise I will stay. I will love you forever and always. To the moon and back. I could never picture myself with anyone but you," she said. I took the box and pulled the ring out sliding it on her left ring finger. "Thank you, it's beautiful, " she gushed and kissed me.

"Just like you," cheasy but it will do.

"Awe baby," she kissed me again. We finished our night off with drinking the rest of the wine and talking about random stuff. We layed down at about 11:30. We snuggled close together enjoying each other's company. "Who's taking care of your cats?" Sabrina asked out of no where.

"Um my mom," I thought about Sophie, Socks, and Mittens.

"Have you told her about us yet?" she asked again.

Sabrina's POV

"Have you told her about us yet?" I asked.

"No, but she always wanted us to be together, so she will be happy anyway," he told me. Alan tightened his grip on me and his breathing slowed down. I couldn't sleep for some reason. I tried counting sheep. I tried warm milk which is really disgusting. I even tried snuggling with Alan, but I just couldn't sleep at all. It was about 4:30 and I was finally starting to get tired, but not tired enough. I started counting sheep and I finally started to drift off. It had to be early in the morning because the sun was just starting to rise.

I awoke at around 1:30 in the afternoon to the smell of something burning. I immediately shot up and ran downstairs to see Austin burning some pasta.

"Austin what the fuck are you doing? You would have burned the house down. If you really wanted food next time wake me up."

"Sorry, Sabrina. I knew you didn't go to bed real early so I figured I would cook instead of waking you up to cook," he sighed.

"I wouldn't have cared. I rather get up and make you something to eat then have the house burned down right before you guys leave for tour. Speaking of tour I need to go home and pack. We all do actually. We should do that today," I stated mater of factly. Austin shook his head in agreement and I went into the living room to see all the guys except Aaron seens how he has his fiancé at home. They were watching the Bones Exposed music video.

      It's like loving a lion that cannot be tamed, I snap at the thought or sound of your name. Pulling teeth from my stomach, you've been eaten alive. My blood fills you lungs, my soul, you're inside.

        My feet they stand on ashes from the fires that you've made. Burning bridges just to save your face. Austin screamed the lyrics and then Aaron sang his part.

Falling For Him [Book 1] *COMPLETED*(♡Alan Ashby♡)Where stories live. Discover now