Chapter 26

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Sabrina's POV

"Wake up Alan, it's time to leave for tour!" I said jumping up and down on him.

"You are too hyper sometimes, " he grunted while flipping me over onto the bed. I leaned up and kissed Alan and he deepened the kiss. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, but I denied him. We have to get ready to leave. I slipped out from under him and threw an outfit at him.

"Get dressed! We have to leave," I stripped and slipped on new undergarments and a pair of shorts. I walked over to Alan's dresser and pulled out one of his shirts.

"I believe that is my shirt," Alan smirked.

"No dip. I just needed something to wear," I laughed at Alan's now dumbfounded face.

"Well, then why aren't you wearing your clothes or you could go topless."

"Really Alan? My clothes are one packed and I don't think going topless is going to go well," I told him. "Anyway, we have to go meet the guys to get going." We grabbed our bags and met the guys at the airport. They will be doing a tour on the other side of the world near Ireland. When we arrived at the airport a tall, muscular man grabbed our bags for us. Alan wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. We followed the man carrying our luggage inside where we found all the guys except Phil who was saying bye to his wife Anouk. (I don't know if I spelt that right.) Pretty face, weird name. Aaron had said goodbye to Amanda earlier. She is really pretty too and nice. Tino said goodbye to his best friend/girlfriend last night and she will be visiting over there whenever she gets a chance. Then there is me, Austin's friend and Alan's girlfriend. Nowhere near being as beautiful as the other girls and I am the only one going. Maybe it's a guilt thing on leaving me back home. Maybe Austin is afraid that I might pick back up cutting. Well, to his I am not fine to leave at home. I was brought back to reality with Austin engulfing me in a huge bear hug.

"I missed you, my lovely friend!" he said.

" Don't kill my girlfriend! " Alan shouted trying to get me out of Austin's long arms. As Alan got me out of Austin's grasp, a female voice came over the intercome to tell us to board our plane. Alan and I were sitting next to austin and the other three behind us. Boy was this going to be a long flight sitting inbetween these two. I layed my head against the back of the seat and put my headphones in. I listened to about three songs and then I had to put it away. I was so nervous about flying because I never had before. I mean common anything bad could happen. I leaned my head on Alan's shoulder and closed my eyes. Before I knew it, we were up in the air and I heard the sound of a camera click. I looked over to see Austin taking pictures of me clinging to Alan. Asshole. I put my music back in a layed back down on Alan's shoulder.

Blackness was all I could see. I turned around and I saw a little light. Huh? I walked closer to it. It was a door. Huh? I pushed the door open and I saw a beautiful house that looked exactly like Alan's. I walked through the door and there was a ginger boy pacing the room. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but nothing came out. He picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello doctor. Is he doing any better? " he asked through the phone. Who is he? I heard a noise coming from upstairs and a girl that looked exactly like me came down.

"Alan?" she asked.

"Yes hun?" he replied.

"How is Austin doing?" Austin. What is wrong with Austin? This isn't a dream; it's a nightmare.

"The doctor said he is still in a coma. They are trying to find close people to talk to him about stuff that they did with each other. Vic went a sang to him and he twitched a little as if he was waking up. Maybe you should try. Austin always thought you had a nice voice. Remember your first whole year at Warped Tour you sang with Aaron." Why was Austin in a coma?

"Maybe I should give it a try. What song? I just don't like seeing him this way," I cried into Alan. I watched him pick up an acoustic guitar and hold my hand out the door. I was now sitting in the backseat of the car. Well, what ever I am now.

"Oh, oh that song by The White Stripes," he practically shouted in her ear.

"We're going to be friends? "

"Yes!" We got to the hospital and I saw Austin's, pretty much, lifeless body just lying there. I-well she pulled out the guitar for Alan and he started strumming. Soon the room was filled with noise from the guitar and my-well her voice. Nothing happened. He didn't even twitch. She started crying and I watched a tear escape Alan's face. Why am I having this fucking nightmare? Why?

"Why?" I cried in my sleep continuously. I was shook awake by Alan. I sat up to find us in a hotel.

"Why, what?" he asked and I started crying. I couldn't breath at all. It was like the world took all of the air away and it was no longer a planet with air. I finally got a breath in from a few minutes without air. Shit! I didn't bother bringing my inhaler. Alan looked at me all worried. "Are you okay?" he asked again.

"Is Austin all right?" I managed to get out.

"Yes, why?" I let out a sigh of relief.

"I had a bad dream that he was hurt," I cried more. Alan Pulled me close and snuggled with me until I fell asleep again.

I am sorry this is really shitty, but I am leaving for vacation here real soon and I am running out of time. I figured you guys deserve this chapter early, so here it is. Oh and I got my permit yesterday!

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