Chapter 9

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So yea! here is chapter 9

Alan's POV

She just walked out in a fucking little black dress. Was she asking to be raped? Maybe she knew I liked her and was trying to get me to crack. We walked out of the bus hooting and hollering.

"So whats the plan?" I asked anxiously.

"We're walking to the club and taking a taxi back." Someone answered. I just kept walking and then I noticed someone was falling behind. Sabrina. I let everyone go ahead as I fell behind to walk with her. She was walking barefoot on the pavement. Her hair fell perfectly down her back and her beautiful brown orbs were sparkling. I've known Sabrina for about 13 years and growing up with her I never noticed my feelings for her.

"Hey," I quietly said.

"Hey," she answered. It seemed like she was sad about something. She was never quiet trust me. She is the type to talk your ear off.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing why do you ask?" She sounded a bit taken back as if I had offended her.

"You just seem down tonight."

"Just tired. I just want to sleep I guess. I was up for the idea of going to the club but now I just don't care."

"Want to go back? We can stop and get some alcohol at the mini store by the hotel."

"I don't want to ruin your night Alan so go have fun." Boy she was stubborn. I was going crazy by now just looking at her. I wanted all of that to be mine and just mine. I wanted to be the one there for her. I wanted to be the one when we get married. I wanted every bit of her frim her scent to her laugh to everything.

"My night was ruined when I got a text from Brooke saying she was going to be there, so trust me you couldn't ruin it. " I chuckled. She just laughed at me. I was going to tell Austin that we weren't going to the club but I was going to send him a text when we got to the hotel. We started walking in complete silence. It wasn't awkward. It was nice. We approached a store and we spent about $50 all together on alcohol. We walked out giggling on how the lady was scratching her ass in front of us.

"I can't believe she did that. If I were her I would have gone to the bathroom." I said trying to catch my breath inbetween chuckles.

"I know right," she giggled more. Boy I loved her laugh. I guess you could say that's what I get up in the morning for other than to take a piss. She oppened up the bottle of tequila taking a sip and passing it to me. I took a somewhat big gulp letter the hard liquor do it's magic. We walked into the lobby of the hotel getting the dirtiest looks from the lady at the front desk. I guess we were louder than we thought.

"Gimme a piggy back ride ginger. Pwease," she said sticking out her bottom lip giving me the biggest puppy dog face. I crouched down near her and she hopped on, holding on around my neck. We approached her room and she hopped off putting the key through the door. The door opened up and we entered with or bag of goodies.

"Thank you my Ginger Prince."

"No problem blondie." We went out and sat on the balcony and looked up at the stars. It was so peaceful and quiet. "Sabrina, I love you!" Why did I just say that? Yes I love her but I wanted us to be sober when I said it. Oh well, they say drunken words are sober thoughts.

"I really really love you to Alan. I always have and I probably won't ever stop. It's as if I can't stop loving you. I have tried to get over you but I can't. " Does she really feel the same way? Boy are we going to have to talk in the morning.

Sabrina's POV

Alan just told me he loved me and I just said it back to him. Was this the right choice? I hope so. I really want to go watch the Titanic. That was random.

Falling For Him [Book 1] *COMPLETED*(♡Alan Ashby♡)Where stories live. Discover now