Chapter 25

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Oh my goodness thank you so much! You guys are awesome! You know what this chapter is dedicated to all of you!

Sabrina's POV

-The next morning-

I rolled over in bed to face Alan. He was so hansome when he's sleeping. I must have been staring at him for awhile because when I snapped back to realty Alan was awake and staring back at me.

"Like what you see?" he asked.

"Of course! " I giggled. He pecked me on the lips and pulled me closer to him.

"Good, my veiw is pretty great to!" I laughed even more. Life was perfect. For now anyway.  "What do you want to do today?" he asked.

"Um, want to see if the guys want to go to the beach for a 'before tour party'?" I asked. Alan shook his head in agreement. "I will call Austin and Aaron, you call Phil and Tino!" We got out of bed and took showers. I put a pair of shorts and a water top on and Alan just wore his swim trunks. I grabbed my phone and called Aaron.

"Hey, do you want to go to the beach with us? We're asking the others," I asked Aaron.

"Um, sure. I need to get out of the house anyway," he said hanging up. I dialed Austin's number and he picked up.

"Hello, Austin speaking," Austin said in a fancy accent. I giggled.

"Hey Austin. Do you want to go to the beach with all of us?"

"Yes, finally. Something to do!" he yelled into the phone.

"My ear!" I yelled back. "So I will see you soon, bye," I told Austin and  he laughed. I grabbed a bag and filled it with extra clothes and towels for each Alan and I. I jumped down the stairs taking two at a time, almost falling on the last two, but I caught myself. "Hey Sophie," she meowed back in response and I scratched behind her ears. Sophie is the only one out of Alan's cats that like people, but Sophie only likes certain people. I walked to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee and Alan was sitting at the table eating an apple.

"Ready?" he asked as I drank my coffee. I shook my head yes and put my cup in the sink. "You know, coffee makes you stop growing, right?"

"That's not true, " I through back at him.

"Oh yeah, then why are you so short?" he asked again.

"Maybe because my birth parents are short or so that you have to lean down to kiss me?" I smirked. He laughed at me and leaned down to kiss me. "We should get going," I told him. He shook his head and we left off to the beach. I saw Austin and jumped out of the car.

"Hey, best friend. Where has your boyfriend been keeping you?" Austin asked with sarcasm apparent in his voice.

"Oh, you know his house and my house," I laughed.

"And what were you doing at these houses," he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Well, we babysat Copeland at her house and we decided to go to my house and watched movies," Alan showed up behind me. I took the beach bag and took my towel out to lay on. "What are you doing?"

"Laying out," I said confused.

"No you're not," he said picking me up and walking me to the water.

Alan's POV

I picked her up and started walking toward the water. She screamed until I set her in the water and then she gave me a look of pure hatred and revenge. It's the same look that I got when Austin tackled her when she locked us out and I burped in her face.

"You better run Ashby," she said through gritted teeth.

Phil's POV

Alan had just picked Sabrina up and dropped her in the water. She came back up and she had a look of revenge on her face.

"You better run Ashby," she said through gritted teeth. Alan tried hiding behind Tino, but Tino moved aside as Sabrina lunged at Alan. Talk about perfect for each other.

Austin's POV

Sabrina lunged at Alan and Alan ran. Alan smirked at Sabrina and I held Sabrina back so she wouldn't murder Alan.

"Calm down Sabrina," I coed.

"Fine," she gave up. Alan walked over and kissed her. "I will get you later babe," she grinned back.

"Ooh, babe I like it rough," he smirked. Okay, that just about grossed us all out.

"Ewe, please don't talk like this around me," I said dropping her back into the water.

Tino's POV

Ewe. They just about discribed THEIR sex life to us in public. Not that I want to hear about it at all. We went back to swimming and laughing. I am glad that we are going back on tour tomorrow. I love spending time with my friends and performing for the people that inspire us the most. I am so thankful that I get to do something that I love as a job.

Aaron's POV

Awe. They make the perfect couple. They remind me of two young puppies that are inseparable. I remember when I proposed to my wife. It was the happiest day of my life. I will have another happy day when I finally make her mine, mine. I watched as Sabrina ran behind Alan for protection from the waves that the guys we throwing at her. I wish that my fiancé was here with me today, but she was too busy making plans for our wedding.

Sabrina's POV

We hung out for a few more hours and decided to go home to rest before we leave for their tour tomorrow morning. I stripped my clothes and put on one of Alan's shirts.

"I love it when you wear my clothes," Alan said making me jump.

"Oh, you do, do ya," I smirked.

"Yes," he said pulling me down onto the bed kissing me.

"We gotta go to bed Alan," I said kissing him one last time.

"Fine, " he grunted.

"Good night, I love you," I said as I cuddled into his chest.

"I love you too," he wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep.

Oh my god thank you all for reading. I love you all.

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