Chapter 32

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So, Vic is getting her to sing with him. What do you think of that?

Sabrina's POV

I was happy that I am going on tour with Vic and the guys. I needed happiness at this moment. I got a scheduled appointment with my pediatrician for my 2 month check up tomorrow. Right now, I am busy deleting texts and calls from Alan and the guys. I wanted to text Aaron back, but it was a risky shot. I feel bad for making Austin worry so much. Maybe I should text him back or not. I layed on the bed in Vic's guest room. I need to get out of here. I am intruding on Vic. Maybe I will go see Kellin for a while. Katelynne is leaving for a business trip and Kellin is all alone with the boys and Copeland. I packed all my stuff in a small back pack. I am coming back. I am leaving with them to go on tour.

"Vic, I am going to visit Kellin for a couple of days. I will be back before tour," I yelled as I walked down the stairs. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. I turned down my music, so I would be a suprise to them. I knocked on the door and both of the boys answered it.

"Hey Sabrina," they said at the same time. I said hi and walked in. I took my shoes off and set my bag down. I tip toed into the living room where Kellin and Justin were talking, along with Gabe and Jack talking about something different. I picked Copeland up and hugged her.

"Hi Cope," I rubbed her little chin and she giggled. All the guys looked toward us. "Hey guys."

"Hey Sabrina," Everyone said.

"Um, Kellin, I need to uh, talk to you," I stuttered.

"Go on," he deepened the conversation.

"Um....Alan cheated....Again..and pregnant," I stuttered again. You could literally see the smoke coming out his ears. Everyone looked at me. I set Copeland down and she ran to find her brothers.

"I am going to kill that son of a bitch," he yelled. Oh great here we go. I took a step back, so he would see that he was getting out of control. I could only imagine how he is going to react when Copeland gets a boyfriend. He will literally shoot Cope's boyfriend.

"Please Kellin, just leave it be," I pleaded.

"No, he isn't going to get away with not having to take care of his child. He needs to step up and be a man," he said again. I winced at what I was about to tell him. It is my fault that he doesn't know, but it's also his to because he would have found out if he didn't cheat with that whore.

"Um...Kellin, he doesn't know that I am pregnant," I watched as everybody's jaws dropped. "I was actually also wondering if I can take Cope with me tomorrow after my doctors appointment to the park," I said trying to take the attention of my problems.

"Sure, I would like you to stay here for a bit anyway. You should take a trip to see mom when you get the chance," he suggested.

"I am leaving this coming up Wednesday with some friends." I walked out into the kitchen to get some water and Justin came out with Cope. "Hi Cope," I said in a baby voice.

"I'm hungry," she giggled.

"What do you want for dinner then?"

"Hot dog," I searched in the fridge for some hot dogs. I opened the package and walked out on the patio. I started up the grill and started cooking. "Sabweena, can Uncle Justin come to the park with us tomorrow."

"If he wants to hun," I ruffled her hair.

"Uncle Justin, do you want to go to the park tomorrow?" she asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Sure squirt," he chuckled. I took the hot dogs off the grill, turned it off and fed everyone. After Copeland was done, I gave her a bath and layed her down for bed. I made the boys take a shower and they went straight to sleep. I took a quick shower and threw my hair up in a messy bun. All the guys left besides justin and Kellin, but he lived there. I layed on the couch scrolling through twitter. The guys have mentioned me in a whole bunch of stuff. It just broke my heart more. I feel so bad for not telling Austin where I am. I started crying. Damn these pregnancy hormones.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Kellin asked me.

"I just feel so bad. The guys are all worried about me and I didn't tell them where I was," I cried.

"It's alright, don't cry. Get some sleep you will feel better in the morning," Justin said. So, I did. I layed right down and fell asleep.

Only 3 more chapters left. Thank you all for reading!

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