Chapter 5

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I guess I haven't really given the bands in my story the credit that they deserve so this chapter is dedicated to all the bands in this story.

Alan's POV

Sabrina got off of me I was planning on attacking her again but decided against it because I knew she would get me again. I got up brushing of my invisible dirt.

"I didn't hurt you know did I," Sabrina asked in a baby voice rolling her eyes.

"No, now let's go celebrate on our first set going great."

We walked out to the front of the bus and Austin was way ahead of us, I think he pulled out every ounce of alcohol on our bus.

"Fill your cups and drink them down," Austin yelled while filling a cup.

I walked over and poured a cup. Time started passing by and before I knew it I was a little tipsy. I went outside onto the top of the bus to get away from all the sweaty body's.  I crawled up to the top and saw a figure sitting with their knees to their chest taking a swig of beer.

I finally got close enough to the figure and I realized who it was.

"Trying to escape the crowd?" she asked.

"Yeah, sorta?" it came out more as a question.

Her phone buzzed and she went to go pick it up. She seemed angry and disturbed and thats when she stood up and chucked her phone off the bus.

"What did you do that for?" I questioned.

"I don't want to talk to him."

"Who?" She never answered me.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"You don't have to," I crouched down near her and draped my arm over her shoulder. Somebody started approaching the bus, it looked like a blonde. No, it looked like my ex girlfriend.

"Alan Anthony Ashby get your ass down here right now!" Brooke slurred. I could tell she was drunk like me. This was not going to have a good outcome.

Sabrina's POV

As soon as that slut approached the bus, I went back inside and made my way to grab one more drink. I knew Alan was going to end up banging her and I didn't want to remember it. I was going to stay on my friends bus. I know Andy wouldn't turn me down when I needed him.

I walked toward my bunk pulling out clothes for tomorrow and headed to leave.

"Where are you going?" Austin asked me worriedly.

"I can't stay here tonight."

"Well where are you going to stay?"

"I'm going to stay with BVB for the night. I need to talk to Andy. "

"Okay see you in the morning squirt." I made my way off the bus and the sight I saw was terrible. The love of my life sucking faces with some bimbo. Why should I care he doesn't like me like that anyways. I started walking through all the buses until I came to BVB. I walked in and they were in the middle of a interview with Bryan Stars.

"Hey come on in. Come join us," I heard Bryan say.

"Okay tell us who you are and who you're with on warped tour."

"I'm Sabrina and I am photographing Of Mice & Men." I sat right on Andy's lap. The only people in the room was Andy and Ashley.

"Okay this is a question for all. Even you Sabrina. Kill one, marry one, fuck one, any one in the band?"

Falling For Him [Book 1] *COMPLETED*(♡Alan Ashby♡)Where stories live. Discover now