Chapter 31

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Well my wonderful readers here is another chapter! Love you!

Vic's POV

Sabrina is going through a lot lately and Alan is putting a whole bunch of problems right on her shoulders. This is the second time he cheated. Yeah he was drunk, but if he can't control himself then he should stay home. Now Sabrina is alone and I am tired of her being all depressed, so today Tony, Mike, Jaime and I are going to take her to the studio. She went up to take a shower 20 minutes ago.

"Hey guys, " I said opening the front door for them.

"Where is she?" Jaime yelled.

"Getting dressed dork," I said and the guys laughed.

"I'm getting her!" he yelled. "I'm coming to get you Sabrina!"

Jaime's POV

I ran up the stairs to get Sabrina. Sure, Vic said she was getting dressed, but that never stopped me before. I opened the door and she was already throwing on a really big Slipknot shirt.

"Sabrina!" I shouted.

"Jaime, I missed you!"

"I missed you too. When is my nephew or niece due?" I asked.

"I don't know, I don't want to rush things. I mean, I am going to be alone. A single mother. Alan doesn't even know about this baby," she was almost crying now. I reached out and pulled her in for a hug.

"It will be okay, " I coed. I didn't really know if it would, but who cares. She has us and that's all she needs. Alan needs to wake up and realize that he has a wonderful girl and a wonderful child on the way. "The guys are waiting. We're going to take you to the studio and we will have lots of fun."

Alan's POV

I can't believe I messed up. Again. I lost the best thing in my life and she probably won't ever forgive me. I have tried texting and calling her, but she doesn't open my texts or answer my calls. I have already gone through a 24 pack of beer and it's only 2 in the freaking afternoon. I jave smoked and ounce of weed in the past 2 days and I haven't attended band practice at all and when I do, I can't focus. I really did mess up and I feel shitty. I called Deanna last week and found out she is staying with Vic. They leave for Warped Tour in a week along with us, Sleeping With Sirens and a whole bunch of other bands. Maybe she will go to Warped with them and think we aren't playing Warped Tour and then I will get to explain myself. I haven't kissed anybody since Brooke that night and I won't kiss anybody unless it is Sabrina.

Kellin's POV

I haven't talked to many people except my band and my family. I can't believe how much time flies. We will be playing Warped Tour again this year. I hate that I have to leave my family, but my job is what keeps a roof over their heads and food in their mouths. Not so much clothes on their backs because they rather be half naked. Deanna and CC loved the suprise of the wedding music. This Warped Tour is going to be awesome!

Sabrina's POV

I have a whole bunch of different emotions right now and being pregnant doesn't help. I'm either sad, mad, or lost, I just don't know anymore. Vic and the guys don't blame me for being sad. They were nice enough to invite me on tour with them and now they're bringing me to the studio. We got out of Vic's car and went into the studio. Vic was humming a new tune and Tony and Jaime were on each of my arms. Mike, I don't know what he was doing. He was making noises and rolling on the ground.

"Hey, um now that we got you here and you can't run away, will you sing in one of our songs with me?" Vic asked. Oh god, did he really just ask that? Last time I sang was at my proposal when Alan played guitar. I thought about it. Maybe this is what I needed, I have to let loose a bit.

"Yes," I agreed. Was I crazy? I didn't mean to actually say yes. Great, I can't back out now. I sat down on the black leather couch. "Um, do you have the song in mind or do we....ya know have to write one?" he laughed.

"I know about your song journal. I read the songs that you wrote last night," he chuckled. He handed me my journal and I picked a song that I recently wrote.


Just because I'm losing

Doesn't mean I'm lost

Doesn't mean I'll stop

Doesn't mean I would cross

Just because I'm hurting

Doesn't mean I'm hurt

Doesn't mean I didn't get

What I deserved

No better and no worse

I just got lost

Every river that I tried to cross

Every door I ever tried was locked

Ohhh and I'm...

Just waiting 'til the shine wears off

You might be a big fish

In a little pond

Doesn't mean you've won

'Cause along may come

A bigger one

And you'll be lost

Every river that you tried to cross

Every gun you ever held went off

Ohhh and I'm...

Just waiting until the firing stopped

Ohhh and I'm...

Just waiting 'til the shine wears off

[piano solo]

Ohhh and I...

Just waiting 'til the shine wears off

Ohhh and I..

Just waiting 'til the shine wears off

"I like that one, it will be a pleasure to sing it with you," Vic was looking over my shoulder. That day we started on some more of the song. We made it a little more hard, but left the soft parts. We were able to finish the song by 9 o'clock. Vic finally dropped off all the guys and we finally arrived home. I said goodnight and crawled under my covers. 6 more days until tour, starting tomorrow.

Hello everyone! The name of the song that I had her write is called Lost by Coldplay. I put the video up. Anyway thank you for reading!

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