Chapter 12

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You guys are great! Thank you each and everyone of you for reading my story!

Sabrina's POV

I reached over searching for Alan with my eyes closed, but the spot next to me in the small bunk was empty. I frowned and opened up my eyes and searched for the guys. They must have got up and left. I walked to the bathroom and started getting dressed. I put on my Tonight Alive tank top and a pair of blue jean shorts. I reached for my phone as soon as it started to ring.

"Hey Deanna, What's up!"

"Well the wedding is soon and the brides maids and I are heading out to get dresses and I need my maid of honor to come with me to get her dress," I see where she going with this. 

"Okay I will meet you now but we have to be back before 6 and it is 9 right now and the buses leave at 10."

I sent Alan a quick text letting him know where I was going. He probably doesn't care as long as I am back in time for our date. I walked out and headed towards where Deanna told me to meet her. Five minutes later she pulled up in a van that she borrowed from the venue. She had four of her brides maids in the back. Her sister Shelby, our cousin Jaida, and our friends Cheyenne and Taylor. Oh nice six girls that absolutly hate dresses. He jammed out to multiple type of bands. Some old and some new. We pulled into a dress place I didn't look at the name of the place. 

"Hello I am Sue and I will be helping you this fine morning," a women who is about 5"7, she wore a plum colored suit and black heals with a pair of glasses on her tiny nose. "So who is the bride?" she asked. Deanna stepped out and shook the ladys hand.

"Me, I am Deanna and these four are my brides maid and she is my maid of honor," she stated. The lady nodded and looked everyone over.

"Okay we will do the brides maids first, maid of honor second and you last because it is easier that way. So what color is your theme?" Sue asked.

"Well I wanted something unusual like maybe black," she told Sue.

Sue came out with four of the most perfect looking dresses. They all tried them on and Deanna decided that they were perfect. 

"Yes we will take these!"  she cheered. Sue came walking out with another dress as the other went into change.

"How's this dress for your maid of honor?" she asked handing me the dress.

"It's beautiful, Sabrina go try it on," she ordered. I came out and turned so she could see every part of the dress on me.

"Yes perfect we will take them all!" Sue took the other dresses from the girls and I handed my dress to her when I walked out.

"Okay so what kind of dress do you have in mind for you," Sue asked getting ready to take notes.

"I want something black and white, but more white than black," she told her what she wanted and I saw the perfect dress on the rack.

" How about this one Deanna," she looked over and i took the dress off the rack.

"I love it," she took it from my hands and tried it on. She came walking out a few minutes after and looked in the mirror. "I want it." She walked back in took it off and she checked out $225,000 later. We got in the car and drove off. We arrived back at the venue at 4:30.

( I will put the link up later)

"Sabrina can you keep the dresses so CC won't see them, you know it's bad luck if the groom sees the drees  before the wedding?" she asked.

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