Chapter 35

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Wow, my last chapter. I didn't ever think that my story would ever get this many reads and I thank you guys for that. With this being the last chapter, I would like to dedicate it to all of you guys are so great! I will update when I write the sequel!

Sabrina's POV

Today was the day I was leaving with Vic and the guys. All my problems melted away when we left town. No more Alan and no more drama. Just my friends and I having a good time.

Vic's POV

I hope the tour will be a good stress reliever for Sabrina. We will have a great time singing together. That song is just perfect. I just hope she doesn't freak when she realises we are going back to Warped Tour.

Alan's POV

I have been going through hell without her and now I have to leave for Warped Tour. Great, just great. I really didn't mean to kiss Brooke back. It was the alcohol talking. I swear I am never going near that bitch again. I always end up losing Sabrina. I just hope she will talk to me again.

Austin's POV

I have no clue where Sabrina is. I as her friend am supposed to be there for her, but if she won't let me then I can't help her. I just hope she is all right.

Kellin's POV

I am so stoked about playing Warped again this year. I will miss my family, but I will facetime them whenever I get the chance. This year is going to go out with a bang. Warped Tour ahead.

Wow so I actually cried while writing this because you know. It was my first story I have wrote. I will put the sequel up soon. Love you all and I hope you liked my story.

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