Chapter 10

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Sabrina's POV

I woke up wrapped in Alan's arms and I smiled to myself as the memories of yesterday hit me like a soft pillow. We went to an amusement park, Alan and I confessed our love for each other, and us getting home and me not wanting Alan to leave. I unwrapped Alan's arms and got up regretting leaving the nice warm bed. I grabbed an outfit for the day and headed towards the shower to get ready. We are getting back on the road again today to head to the next venue. I pulled on a pair of highwaisted jean shorts and a Anthem Made tank top from Kellin's clothing line. I put my natural blonde hair up into a messy bun and slipped on a pair of black on black converse. I walked out of the bathroom to see Alan up and dressed putting both of our suitcases together.

"Oh Alan you didn't have to do that," I say reaching to finish my packing.

"I know but I wanted to," he said walking over to me and pecked my lips leaving me yearning for more.

"Awe you're so sweet," I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him and he wrapped his arms around my waist as I tangled my fingers in his ginger hair.

"I know I am and we need to get going before the bus leaves us behind." He grabbed both of our bags and didn't let me argue about it as he led me out to the bus. We climbed on to the bus and was greeted by a smiley Aaron.

"Hello children, where have you been?" he asked sternly.

"In our room, You don't need to worry about me daddy day care," I said sticking my tounge out at Aaron knowing he will keep going.

"And what were you doing in that room Sabrina? Alone. With a boy."

"It's okay dad, don't worry about me. I am a big girl I can hold my own." I say as I walk past him and into the bunk area. I climb into my bunk and move my pillow to see all the pictures of the guys and I since I've known them. There was a picture of me hanging upside down on the jungle gym and Austin and Alan were kissing my cheeks, and another of Phil teaching me how to play guitar when I was fifteen, or the best photo of Aaron, Tino and I when we rode a ride and we looked like we pissed our pants in the picture. Right next to those pictures was a picture of my parents. The people that ruined my life. I picked up the picture and ripped it into pieces. I stormed pass the guys and grabbed a lighter and walked outside. I put the picture on the ground and set it ablaze. I watched as the memories of my parents burnt to ashes. I walked back onto the bus and into the back lounge. I covered up in Alan's blanket and curled into a ball and started crying. I heard somebody approach me but I didn't bother to look up, I knew it was Austin just by how he embraced me. Austin was always there for me, I guess that's why we always clicked. I was there for him when he needed me and he was there when I needed him. I nestled my head into his chest. I found myself falling asleep and all I remember is seeing Austin give me the look of sympathy.

Austin's POV

I just watched as she cried into me. There was nothing I could do to help and I just felt so helpless. I couldn't help my best friend, my other half of my heart. It pained me to see how broken she was. After a few minutes of her crying she finally fell asleep and I layed her in her bunk and walked out to have Alan right in my face with a worried look.

"Is she okay? I'm going to see her." He tried walking past me but I blocked his way.

"She's okay and she's sleeping so let her get her rest." I really didn't want him to bother her. She really did need her rest. I know that he loves her and all, but she needs a breather right now. He sat back down and we decided to have a couple beers.

Alan's POV

I wasn't happy that Austin wouldn't let me see Sabrina. I wasn't happy that he was the one there for her when she broke down, but there is nothing I could do about that. Phil pulled out a couple beers and handed all of us one. I downed mine in seconds. We decided to play a little truth or dare. I know seems a little girly and what not, but we played. Phil went first.

"Okay Valentino, truth or dare?" Phil asked saying Tino's whole first name.


"Okay, I dare you to lick Aaron's face," he stated. Tino started walking towards Aaron and Aaron just squished down in his seat. Tino grabbed his face and licked it.

"Man, that's gross!" Aaron yelled.

"Okay Alan, Truth or Dare," Tino asked. I was picking truth because I am not licking someone's face.


"Is it true that you butt fucked Austin?" he asked. What the fuck is this world coming to.


"Oh come on Alan you don't have to lie about it," Austin said through giggles. I was getting heated. I did not butt fuck Austin.

"I am out. I did not butt fuck Austin and I sure as hell ain't playing this game." I walked into the bunk area and peeped at Sabrina. She had tear stains down her cheeks from crying. I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek and climbed into my bunk. I lay in my bunk thinking. Thinking about stupid stuff and I finally fell into a light sleep.

This is just a small filler.

5 votes for another chapter please!

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