Chapter 24 - Sexual Content, you have been warned.

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Thank you my lovelies! ! You guys are the best! Warning Chapter Contains sexual content!

Sabrina's POV

I got up the next morning and showered before anyone got up. I wore a pair of gym shorts with a black Of Mice & Men tank top. I applied a thin line of eye liner and some mascara. I ran down the stairs to start cooking breakfast for Cope and Alan. Tonight Copeland was leaving, so the boys could spend time with her before they went back to their dad's house. Five minutes later Alan came downstairs with a sleepy looking Copeland rubbing her eyes.

"Morning Cope. Do you want some food?" I asked. She shook her head making a few stretching grunts.

"Does Alan get food too?" Alan asked sticking his bottom lip out.

"Yes," I giggled. I finished cooking the food and served everyone their own food. After I was done, I washed Cope and dressed her for the day. Alan dress himself and we headed out to where ever Alan was bringing us considered he had a "suprise" for me and Copeland, but I don't get my suprise until later. We pulled into the park where there was a big play ground. Best suprise for Copeland ever. "Look Cope, it's a playground. "

"Yayyyy!" she said clapping her hands. I got out and Alan took Cope out of her car seat. He set her down and off she went.

"Best suprise ever for her," I said laughing at Copeland. "Now, what's my suprise," I grinned at him.

"You will see later," he smirked. I gave up and ran to Copeland's side. Alan went to the bottom of the slide and she sat on my lap. We rode to the bottom and Alan picked her up and ran.

"Get back here right now Ashby," I yelled at him as he took Cope with him.

"Nope," he said popping the p. I said fine and walked over to the swing set and started swinging. Eventually Copeland came running to me and Alan followed.

"I win," I said and grabbed Copeland to bring her home. Alan chuckled as I put her in the car. I turned my ipod on and Dead Walker Texas Ranger came on.

"Daddy," Copeland yelled. I turned around and looked at her. She was swaying to the music. I then looked at her and noticed how much she looks like Kellin (poor kid. JK.).

"Do you miss mommy and daddy?" I asked Copeland and she shook her head yes. "You will get to see them in one hour," I told her. We arrived at my house and I packed up all her stuff. I sat Copeland down and we watched some Spongebob while we waited.

"No, I'm dirty Dan," Spongebob argued with Patrick and hit him over the head. Copeland giggled at their actions. Being an adult I still watch Spongebob. There was a knock on the door, so Alan answered it.

"Hey man," Kellin's high ptched voice rang through the house. I grabbed Cope and her stuff. "How was she?" he asked.

"A little angel," I replied.

"Good, so she behaved."

"Yup," Alan interjected. I finished talking to Kellin and he said he had to get going. I closed the door and Alan was right there. He put a blind fold on me and lead me to what I thought was the car.

"Where are we going Alan?" I asked.

"You will see when we get there," he told me. We rode the next 20 minutes in silence. Alan got out and opened my door. I grabbed onto his arm tightly, so I wouldn't fall. "Suprise," he yelled taking the blind fold off my head to reveal his mother sitting at a table at their old house. She gave me a warm smile and I smiled back. "Mom, Sabrina and I have something to tell you. We have been together for about a year and we wanted to let you know," he gave his mother that cheeky grin that he always wears on his face.

"I knew it would happen," she practically yelled. She was so happy. "When are you marrying her? When do I get my grand baby? Alan, you better be treating her good."

"Whoa, mom slow down. We have been together for about a year. We are still young and of course I am treating her good. Yeah, I messed up once, but who doesn't. " I giggled at her eagerness. I could see us getting married in a year or two, but not now and children? We're still children ourselves pretty much. I wouldn't be able to take care of a child, all by myself. We made small talk and I talked about photographing the band at Warped Tour with a bunch of good photographers like Adam Elemakias. It was about 7:30 when we decided to go home. "Want to spend the night at my place?" Alan asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Sure, let me get my stuff from my house," I smirked. I got my stuff for tour and a couple changes of clothes. I ran downstairs and into the car, throwing my suitcase in the back seat. We drove past all the houses and I giggled as I played with my bracelet on my wrist and held Alan's hand.

"Welcome home!" Alan shouted running inside. Sophie jumped to the top of the couch, begging for me to pet her. I scratched behind her ears and through myself on the couch. Alan came down the stairs in just his boxers.

"I'm going to go take a shower. Care to join Mr. Ashby?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows as he did before.

"Sure," he said following me up the stairs. I turned the water on and stripped my clothes off and Alan looked me up and down. He took off his boxers and I climbed in with him following me in. "You're beautiful, you know that right Sabrina? "

"Alan, do you need your eyes checked?" I asked him seriously.

"No! I like what I see and I think it's beautiful! " he protested. I shook my head and let the water beat down on my back as Alan presses kisses from my shoulder, to my jawline all the way to my lips. He grabbed my breasts and started sucking on them leaving tiny love bites all over. I moaned as he did so. I reached down to his member and started pumping. He moaned even louder and I chuckled at him. I stood up and he started kissing me with more force going down to my neck and stopping at my sweet spot to suck. His hands glided up and down my body perfectly. He was perfect.

Alan's POV

The things this girl did to me. She was absolutely perfect and for her to not think she was beautiful was crazy. I let my hands scan her body and I sucked on her sweet spot earning a few moans from her. I turned off the water and grabbed us a towel.

"Jump," I said and she did so. I walked to the bedroom with her still in my arms. I layed her down on the bed thrusting a few fingers into her. She gasped and moaned again.

"Just fuck me already Alan! " she screamed as I thrusted my hardend member into her. We both let out really loud moans. I am suprised our neighbors didn't hear us. I started thrusting faster and faster until we both reached our climax. I fell over next to her. Both of us out of breath. I leaned over and planted one sweet kiss on her lips.

"I love you Sabrina," I said sweetly.

"I love you too Alan."

Anyway here it is. The chapter that took me 1 hour to write. Fastest chapter ever. Oh and I am trying to write now so I can relax on vacation.

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