Chapter 12

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Mahogany's POV

*In the limo on the way back to the hotel*

"Hiya so listen up." Nash started, "Basically, Amelia's father got murdered a few years ago and they might have found his killer so she has to go back to be with her Mum. Her and Cam are leaving tomorrow. So go easy on her try not to bring it up but make her feel happy yeah." Nash explained I swear he was about to cry, I've never seen Nash cry before. I gave him a little hug and he smiled in return.

"So will they be back next Magcon then?" Carter asked. Bart spoke up.

"It depends when the next one is. Amelia needs time to recover, she was very emotional earlier so it depends on how she feels." 

We arrived back at the hotel. Cam wanted to switch rooms for tonight which is fine by me. I'm planning to grab my stuff from my room. 

"Taylor wait up!" I yelled running up to him. 

"Hey what's up?" He replied

"Chuck this in your room for me I'm switching with Cam for tonight, he wants to stay with Amelia." I explained.

"Sure thing." 

I ran to my room to grab my makeup and clothes for tonight. 

"Cam? Amelia? I'm going to Taylor's room okay?" I yelled. No reply. "Amelia?"

I walked to her room. Just her bag on the bed. My room, nothing either. The bathroom looks closed. I knocked on the door. It shifted slightly. On the floor. Amelia. Lying there.

"TAYLOR! COME QUICK CALL AN AMBULANCE IT'S AMELIA. SOMEONE." I screamed running into the hallway. Jacob ran to me.

"Woah. Mahogany what's wrong?" He asked. 

"Call 911 it's Amelia. She tried to commit suicide..." My voice was cut off by my tears taking over my body. I ran back to the room and fell to the floor with Amelia. Her body was so pale, so lifeless. I tried to check for a pulse, I could feel a pulse a very slow one.

"Jacob tell them I can hear a pulse, it's slow though!" I yelled. I held the note she had in her fist. I read over it about 5 times and broke down in tears again. I looked up and two women were moving Amelia's fragile body onto a board. All the boys were waiting by the door. I started to run with the ambulance crew to keep up with Amelia. 

"We will meet you at the hospital I'll call Cam. Tell Bart to call Amelia's mum okay." I called jumping into the van next to Amelia's body while we sped off. I pulled out my phone and dialed Cam. He picked up after a few rings.

"Hiya Mahogany." He answered.

"Cam..." I cried down the phone, "It's Amelia, I found her on the bathroom floor. She's unconcious. Please Cam. Meet us at the hospital." 

"What? Okay. Text me the address, I'm coming now." He hung up. I text Cam the address as we arrived at the hospital. 

Cam's POV

All my fault. It's my fault she did it. I didn't check on her before I left. I start running while looking at the directions on my phone. I arrive and I run to the Emergency unit. I run to the receptionist.

"Amelia Frednick." I pant. She flicks slowly through some files. 

"She is currently in the operating theatre you can wait over there if you like." She pointed to a crying Mahogany. 

"Mahogany." I cried. "It was my fault I left her to get some food..." 

"Shhh. It wasn't your fault Cam. Here." She handed me a letter. Her suicide note. I read over it. I could see the way the paper was stained from her tears, the way her handwriting was shaking at the end of the letter. I started to cry as I was holding it. Mahogany pulled me in for another hug. 

The guys all arrived along with Bart. We all came in for a group hug. We joined hands and closed our eyes. Bart started our prayer.

"Lord please pray for Amelia. Please give her the strength to keep going forward in life and to stay strong. Please let her operation go smoothly and if it is her time to go, let her go peacefully and not in pain. Thank you lord." 

"Amen." we chorused. We exchanged hugs, tears and tissues. 

3 hours had gone by. No news. No news other than the fact that she is out of the operation. They managed to suck all the 46 pills ut of her body, she still had major blood loss. It was 9 pm now. Bart had gone back to sort out the hotel management and shit. We took it in turns to come and go. I stayed here the whole time. I will stay here until she wakes up. 

I was resting my shoulder on Matt. Jack J and Mahogany were next to us listening to music. When suddenly Amelia's mother stormed into the waiting room. 

"You!" she pointed. This is gonna go badly. "It's all your fucking fault. Your the reason my daughter is in hospital you bastard!" She yelled. I could hear Mahogany get um. 

"Excuse me Aunt. But Cam had nothing to do with this. He was the reason she is alive now. If it wasn't for Cam then Amelia would have been gone a long time ago." Mahogany started to back me up. Matt and Jack stayed silent for their own good. I just sat there staring at my lock screen of us. It was last summer when we went to Hawaii together. The good times...

"Mahogany I don't care. I'm pulling her out of Magcon." She stormed off I assume to call Bart. Well this is just gonna get better....

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