Chapter 31

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Cam's POV

I woke up and looked at my watch, it was still very early and Amelia had not woken up yet. I see Carol walking towards the kitchen and give her a wave. She looks like she is about to speak but I hush her by pointing to the sleeping girl on my lap. She laughs and walks into the kitchen. 

I woke up again a few hours later to Amelia's phone vibrating. It stopped so I left it and she was still asleep. But within a matter of seconds it started ringing again but it didn't stop. I reached over to the table to grab her phone and to stop it from waking Amelia up. I looked at the screen and it was an an anonymous number with no number. I answered it but didn't say anything.

"Amelia! Ha! You're worthless bitch. Like what does Cam see in you? Huh? The whole world knows your secret and soon they'll know your number and everyone will send you hate not just me! Go jump off a cliff..." Amelia starts moving. I stand up and walk to the bathroom so she doesn't hear.

"Don't you dare talk lies about her. Amelia is one of the strongest people that I've ever met! So don't you dare start making up lies." I defend my girlfriend as I want to punch whoever is on the other end of the line. 

"Oh my gosh! Cameron Dallas? Is that you! I love you!" She screamed done the line. Is she serious? 

"Really? Well next time don't hate on my girlfriend." I hung up and took a breath before walking back out. Amelia saw me and stood up, glaring at her phone.

"Who was that?" She asked. I didn't know what I should say. How do I word it? You just got told to die by a stranger over the phone? Nope.

"Um. I don't know how to say it. Um. It was a hating, a very verbal hater." I explained, walking closer and hugging her, "I'm sorry. I love you." 

When I pulled away she didn't look too shocked.

"Oh ok. It's fine it's happened a few times." She starts walking to the bathroom. Wait a few times? I stand in front of the door before she can walk in.

"Wait, lemme get this straight. So you've been getting anonymous haters calling you and telling you to commit suicide again?" I ask, trying to say it in the nicest possible way. She looks down and nods. "How many times has it happened?" I tilt her head up to look at me. She bites her lip to stop the tears.

"Too many to count. Everytime I block the number a new one comes up." She starts to cry a little and I hug her and wipe her tears. 

"It's gonna be okay. It will. I love you." I whisper into her hair. She pulls away and kisses my cheek. She walks back into the shower to get ready. I was going to take her today to the therapist for her monthly session. I think it has actually come at the right time. 

Amelia's POV

I try to fight back the tears again but I can't, Cam used the downstairs bathroom. Then I'm safe. I walk into the shower and turn it on. Hot shower. I sit on the shower floor and curl my body into a ball and just cry. I let it all out. I cry for a while. My wrists start to itch. I know I can't go back to my old ways but it is my way of managing. My way to express my feelings. 

I search the cupboards for the box. I see it at the very back of the large cupboard, covered with dust. I pull it out and grab a blade. I bring it back to the shower with me and sit back down in the shower with my blade. I breathe heavily before I start.

I grip the blade, my hand is shaking. I really should eat something but maybe I shouldn't. It isn't going to make a difference anyway. I slide the blade across my wrist and close my eyes through the pain. I do it twice more on both wrists before rinsing my wrists under the hot water. I almost scream as the water hits my cuts. I wash my body and get out of the cupboard. 

I get changed and make sure to layer lots of bracelets to cover the fresh cuts. When I walk out Cam is sitting on the bed smiling, which makes me smile too. 

After breakfast Cam drives us to the therapist. She's nice but her office still gives me the creeps. I hate being back in this hospital. It just brings back bad memories. I sit in the waiting room next to Cam and hug him tightly. 

"Amelia." She smiles and calls me in. I kiss Cam goodbye and walk into the office. I sit down int he same chair.

"So Amelia. How have you been?" She asks.

"Good." I lie along with a fake smile.

"Have you self harmed lately or attempted suicide?" Yup 


"And how has everything with the tour and your boyfriend been?" Pretty crap for the tour. Other than the fact I want to punch Bart because of his bullshit and being suicidal I'm fine.

"Everything's good." 

"Are you sure? Amelia?" I just nod my head. I think this whole session is going to be me lying. Ugh.

Once the nosy therapist has finished asking her questions I leave and hug Cam. I miss him when I'm in her office. Cam is like my shield from all the shit, my protection from it all. He kisses my forehead and hugs my waist as we walk towards the car. 

I guess I'm going back to my old ways again then...

A:N: Some of my social media has changed, it's all in my bio so yah. Comment and vote and then I'm more likely to update ;) tell me what you think and what you want to happen :)

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