Chapter 24

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Cam's POV

I wake up to the sound of screaming. I jolt my head right up, looking it see if everyone is okay.

"Amelia? Jacob? Mahogany?" I shout, pulling back te covers. I hear them laughing and walk back over to me.

"Don't worry babe. Sorry they woke you up. The fans are all outside the hotel. Morning." Amelia smiled into the kiss. Everyone was already changed and Amelia was doing her hair.

"How long do I have?" I ask, rubbing my eyes looking for my shirt. 

"About 20 minutes, Bart said we have an early start." Mahogany explained. Shit.

I forget my shirt and grab some cleanish clothes and run to the shower. I have a quick shower and get dressed. I hate early mornings, hate them with a passion. I run a brush through my hair and spray some deodorant and aftershave. I head outside and Jacob hands me an apple. 

"Cheers bro." I take a bite out of the apple and grab some money and my phone before we bolt outside. 

We reach the lobby and we are the last ones there.

"Ahh, there they are. Finally." Bart sighs and we run into the group of guys. "As I was saying. These guys are your security guards, since all the fans outside are causing a bit of a riot. No signing for now. No photos now. You can come outside to see them later if you want to but after the event. With all of that said, have a good day guys and have fun." Bart nodded and we started to walk towards the lobby exit.

I held Amelia's hand as we took a glimpse at the crowd. There were about 10 security guards, holding back the crowd behind the barriers.  They were all screaming and crying, holding their phones in our faces and screaming our names. There were more just to escort us to the limo. I kept hold of Amelia's hand and we started to run alongside the security guards through the crowd. I was forced to let go of Amelia as I was running there. I reached the limo and jumped in sighing. Not all of us were there yet so we had to wait.

"Woah, that's a crazy ass crowd right there!" Aaron laughed.

"Yeah, getting my guitar in the back was hard." Shawn sighed. 

I was reunited with Amelia and I kissed her cheek.

By the time we arrived at the venue there were still loads of screaming fans. I guess I'll never get used to this many people screaming my name...

We go through sound check and all that jazz like normal. Bart explains what will happen. Just like normal the Jacks, Taylor, Shawn and Jacob sing their stuff then the rest of the time we are free to mess about. Then we have an hour to meet some fans before the longer one tomorrow.

In sound check I hear Shawn practicing and strumming backstage. I sit down next to him, he is so into his song he doesn't even notice me there. I pull out my phone and start to vine him. He opens his eyes and laughs, realizing that he is being vined. He finishes and smiles.

"So bro? How does it feel? Touring with Austin?" I ask. Shawn was offered a huge deal, an opportunity to tour with Austin Mahone. We all loved Austin and his music. Shawn was so excited when he told us. We were all happy for him, even if it did mean not seeing him over the summer. 

"Good, I guess. I'm excited for today though. I don't know if I want to sing Ed Sheeran's new song or Coldplay's new one..." He looked down.

"Go for the Ed one I like that one." I patted his back and he smiled obviously happy.  I upload the vine as I hear Mahogany's music blasting. I guess it's time to go on now. I hear the loudspeaker call my name and I run on stage to the screaming fans. I walk down and hug a few girls and take some selfies before running back on stage with the rest of the guys.

The Jacks sing their new song and we all go crazy in the background. We vine some stuff between performances backstage and before we know it, it is time for the meet and greet. I love meeting the fans, they are all so sweet and shy and give great hugs. Bart sat me next to Amelia which is always great.

Amelia's POV

I am sitting next to Cam which is great. We sit down and sign some merch, phones, hats, arms and stuff. Beside us we have a notebook almost filled with twitter usernames. I see a guy in the distance of the line which is odd. It is always nice to see guys coming to the meet and greet. I prefer day one because we actually get to talk for a while before our fans get dragged away by the security guards. 

The guy reaches the front of the line and I stand there shocked. I put my hands in front of my mouth in shock. Cam looks and me and then at the guy in front of us. I'm close to crying. 

"D...Dan? Is that you?" I whisper loud enough for him to hear me. He nods smiling at me.

"Yeah it's me." Dan smiles opening his arms. I run out from behind the table and run to hug him. Dan hugs me tight and spins me round. I look back at Cam who is sitting there puzzled as hell.

"Oh sorry haha. Cam," I walk back behind the table and put my arm around Cam again, "Cam, this is Dan. My best friend that ditched me the day I met you. And Dan, this is my boyfriend Cam." I laugh. I feel Cam sigh. He probably though Dan was an ex or something.

"Oh yeah I remember haha, well anyway hey mate." Cam holds out his hand for Dan to shake.

"What are you doing in Orlando? Where did you go after you moved?" I asked. Dan moved a few years ago and we lost contact.

"I moved for school and Uni. I live just around the corner. It's really nice here. Mum just moved to a smaller place in LA." He explained. "We should catch up again, next time you come down to Orlando. When your not on tour obviously. I found out you were coming and I bought tickets to try see you again haha." 

We chatted to Dan for a while and exchanged numbers so this time we wouldn't loose touch. He exchanged them with Cam also. I hope they become mates too.

A:N OMG I THINK I ALMOST HIT 4K READS! YOU GUYS ARE GREAT! The whole drama cleared up so I'm feeling better. Tweet me if you read the chapter  @Jano_Magcon_   Thank you guyzz

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