Chapter 30

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A:N: OMG I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like a month! I had exams and a load of crap to deal with. I'm going to try update again :) 

Amelia's POV

I had a great day with the guys yesterday, it was a good way to keep my mind off all the hate that I've been receiving lately. Since Cam and I have been a bit less cautious with what we post, fans have been sending me hate... I guess I have to learn to get used to it. When I first started vine, I got a lot of hate and got called so many names. It just gets worse as my account gets bigger. It's been hard to stay away from self harm and suicide again. But I've kept away but I've been close to doing it again. I have to see the therapist in a couple of days again.

I'm planning on meeting up with Frankie again sometime later this week and Cam later today too. Frankie is actually  really kind. She isn't bitchy like Niamh. The whole Niamh drama has died down a little now. People have stopped accusing Carter of complete bullshit now. 

Today so far I have taken Max for a walk and gone shopping. I have been thinking of moving out and into my own apartment sometime soon. Since I'm doing homeschooling, I'm probably not going to go to university. Plus with the whole tour thing I don't think I could. 

I grab some chocolate from the cupboard and sit back down, on my phone. I've been into music a lot lately. I blast my music in the kitchen, dancing and singing back. Until I hear the doorbell ring. I instantly cringe and turn off my music. When I open the door Cam is knelt down on his knee holding some irises, my favourite flowers. 

"Hello beautiful." He laughed, standing up and handing me the flowers. I stare at the beautiful, colourful flowers. 

"Thank you," I hug Cam and kiss him, "they are beautiful." 

We walk back inside and I turn on my music again. Cam recognizes the song and starts dancing along with me and before I know it we are goofing around in the kitchen and dancing along to our favourite songs. 

After a while of dancing and getting yelled at by Mum, we sat down.

"So... I have some news." Cam began.

"Good or bad news?" I asked, concerned.

"Good," he laughed, reassuring my bad thoughts, "I'm getting a house with Nash and Carter." 

I sat there smiling for a good 20 minutes. 

"Oh my gosh! That's amazing babe!" I yelled, hugging him.

"Also don't forget the emergency meeting Bart called for today." I rolled my eyes. That guy has literally made all the wrong decisions...

"Oh yeah." He sighed. 

"Maybe we could film the Boyfriend Tag while we wait and then we can go together." I suggested. He smiled and nodded, hugging me.

I ran up to my room and grabbed my camera and tripod. We filmed the Boyfriend Tag for my channel and The 20 Facts Tag for Cam's channel. We also filmed a few vines and uploaded all the content. By the time we finished we had literally 10 minutes to drive to the hotel for the meeting. I grabbed my purse and yelled goodbye to my mother and we both ran to Cam's car.

When we got to the hotel, Taylor was arriving with Dillon and Aaron in his posh, new car.

"Sweet ride!" I laughed.

"Haha you can test drive it some time if ya want." Taylor offered, an offer which I will be glad to accept.

We all walked into the hotel room and everyone was sat at the fancy dining room table in Bart's hotel room. Everyone had moved to LA now, which is awesome, even Shawn. Of course Bart is at the head of the table. No one likes him anymore and I don't see any reason to like him now. We all arrived and Bart sighed and started talking.

"You are all probably wondering why I gathered y'all here right?" We all nodded, "Well. Due to money issues we have decided to shut down Magcon..." What the Hell? Shut it down? Does he know how many fans he is going to disappoint? After Cam, Nash, Carter and Hayes left it was chaos. I imagine it'll be 10 times worse if you shut it down all together.

We were all left in complete shock.

"So was our last tour stop the last?" Aaron asked sighing.

"Sadly yes." Bart explained. "And I want you to announce it and I will too because we need to tell the fans now before they find out. I'm really sorry guys." Bart got up and left us all staring at each other. 

"Wow, I didn't expect that." Hayes shrugged. 

Slowly we all got up and left, all announcing it on all our social media. When I got home Cam came inside and Mum was sitting in the lounge, clueless. 

"How was the meeting honey?" She asked, smiling. Her expression instantly changed when she saw our faces, "What happened guys?" I was close to crying and Cam pulled me into his chest.

"Magcon is ending." I explained. My mum stood there in shock. She hugged Cam and I and kissed my forehead.

"Hunny I'm sorry. Maybe it's for the best."

I shrugged "Yeah I guess, could Cam stay over today?"

Mum smiled lightly and nodded "Sure Cameron." Cam laughed and grabbed his keys.

We walked to his car to grab some clothes and essentials for the night. I waited in the car while Cam ran out the house in the rain carrying his sports bag and pennyboard, typical. I laughed as he sat in the driver's seat with his hair completely drenched. I smiled and pecked his lips before we drove back home. 

When we got home I saw a note on the fridge:

Went out with the girls, I'll be back by 10

Lots of Love

Mom x

I smiled as I read it and grabbed a tub of ice cream and two spoons. When I sat down next to Cam he smiled

"You know me so well." he smirked. We were looking through movies and decided to watch 'White Chicks'.

After about 2 hours of cuddling we both fell asleep, next to Cam and the ice cream. Romantic xD

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