Chapter 15

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Carter's POV

Cam walked into the room and I looked up from my phone. He was smiling. What?

"Guys she said yes! Amelia said she'd be my girlfriend!" Cam shouted. My heart dropped. I tried to fake a smile. Everyone gathered around him and congratulated him. I have dreamed of the same moment happening to me before. Amelia saying she would be MY girlfriend. 

"Congrats bro." I patted him on the back. 

"Cheers bro." 

I can't be a dick and try to get Amelia to like me, she doesn't she likes Cam. Not me. Life doesn't work that way. 

I left the waiting room. I saw Amelia's mother talking to the doctor. I walked into Amelia's room, a smile appeared on her face.

"Hiya Carter." She spoke as loudly as she could but it only came out as a whisper. 

"I heard the good news about you and Cam!" I lied. She smiled. We starting talking a bit more about the tour and who we want to see when she finally comes back. Amelia's mother walked in.

"I have great news sweetie!" She squealed. "The doctors are gonna let you leave soon, probably tomorrow or Thursday." She explained. I can't wait to get Amelia back we all miss her.

Amelia's POV

*That Thursday*

"Good Morning Amelia!" Sally, my nurse appeared. 

"Morning Sally! Is Cam here?" I asked. My voice is almost back to normal now.

"Not yet but I will send him in when he gets here." She smiled and left the room.

I got up and packed all my clothes and the cute little teddy bear the guys got me in my bag. I walked to the bathroom I had to share and changed into my tracksuit pants and baggy top. I felt much better though. I sat back down on the bed and went on twitter. I text Cam

To: Cam <3

Can I tell everyone about us? x And when are you coming here I miss you :(

I send the message and get a reply almost instantly

From: Cam <3

Yeah sure babe I will too. And I'm leaving now I'm driving down your Mom, Jacob and Mahogany. They wanted to come see you. See you soon bub x

I went back to twitter

"@Amelia_Frednick: Yes it is official @CameronDallas and I are dating. Love you boo!" 

Sally came back in and we walked to the meeting room. It was the first time I've left my ward, I think at least. 

"Okay Amelia," the doctor started "before you leave we want you to go to a therapist session here in the hospital. And also to come back regularly, at least once a month." I kinda sighed, I expected this and a lecture from Mum which I have not get had. 

"Amelia, what you attempted is very serious..." Sally explained. 

"Okay, I'll go. But can I go now before Cam gets here?" I requested. The doctor nodded and I was taken to another part of the hospital. I sat in the waiting room, next to a middle aged crying lady and another girl that looked around 12... Wait. Wow she looked familiar. 

"Amelia!" The girl asked. I turned. Amy, from the meet and greet the other day in Chicago. 

"Oh hi! Amy?" I asked. She laughed and nodded, "What are you doing here? How did everything with Hayes go?" I winked, the weird, perverted side of me came out.

"My brother is speaking to the therapist about some family crap but yeah. Oh it went really well, Hayes and I talk quite a bit. I got his number haha. I could only get tickets to the Chicago Magcon, but I actually live here in LA." she explained. I like this girl, she's nice.

"Here's my number." I scribbled it down on a piece of paper with a colouring pencil and handed it to her. "Text me some time I'd love to talk to you more." I smiled, if Hayes likes her then she's nice. A young boy walked out and I assume that was Amy's brother.

"Amelia Frednick please." The woman called. I walked into the room. It had a desk and lots of flowers, like everywhere. Fricking flower lady.

"So Amelia. Tell me," she began.

"Tell you what?" I asked, very confused. 

"Why? Why result to suicide? Why end your life?" she asked. Oh gosh this is how it's gonna go.

"Well...I realized that all this hate I'm getting was getting too much and then my father's murder trial just sparked it all." I'm not going to cry. I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry.

"Do you miss your father?" she asked, leaning in. I nodded trying to wipe away the forming tears.

"Have you attempted suicide before? Or self harmed? Or had any symptoms of depression before?"

"I have cut once before, a week after my father's death." I admitted, "but never attempted suicide until now. I think I have had some signs of depression." 

"Well I think all of these situations lead back to your father's death. It says here you are touring the country with Madcon?" I laughed.

"Magcon." I corrected her, we laughed together. 

"I can still go right?" I asked, close to shouting.

"Oh yes, but only as long as you have someone looking after you, or keeping a close eye on you. A friend maybe? One of your touring friends?" She suggested.

"Cam, my boyfriend, I'll tell him." I replied.

"Okay hunny. That's about it and I want to see you back in about a month or two." she explained as I left the flower filled room.

I walked into the waiting room and Cam was sitting down and I ran into his arms. Mom, Jacob and Mahogany were sitting next to him and greeted me. To home I go!

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