Chapter 14

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Danny and Krystal walk into Danny's room. There are three other teenagers sitting on the floor. There are two boys and one girl. They're not dressed like Krystal. They're dressed more like Danny, who's wearing a black tank top, black ripped jeans, with a silver chain, and black socks.

One boy, name Alex Maroni, has tan skin, dark brown hair, and black, hipster glasses. He's wearing an oversized sweater that says "Weed be a great match", black jeans with a silver chain, a back beanie, and two black socks on that have small yellow ducks on them.

The other boy, Andrew Falcone, has swooped up, dark brown hair, there is a single purple streak in the front, and he green eyes. He's wearing a black t-shirt. He rolled up the sleeves to show more of his slightly-muscled arms. He has on dark grey, ripped jeans, also with a silver chain. He has black, checkered, slip on skater shoes.

And the girl, Vanessa Kerr. She's the most gothic girl at Gotham High. She's wearing a dark grey top with a small pocket on the chest, black jeans, black combat boots, a red flannel is tied around her waist, and she's wearing a backwards, leather, flag-billed hat.

"Yo, Alex, pass me the pack!" Danny demands, as he sits on the floor, with the other teenagers. Alex passes Danny a small, brown, box. Krystal slowly sits down on the floor with the other teens.

Danny opens the box. Inside, is multiple small bags of white powder.

"Beautiful!" Danny whispers, psychotically. Danny takes out a bag of the white powder.

"Bro, song hog the stuff!" Alex says, taking the box from Danny. He takes out a small bag as well. So does Andrew and Vanessa.

The box reaches Krystal. She's scared. She's nervous. Butterflies aren't in her stomach. Instead, there are 8 frisbee and twelve boomerangs!

"Kris, you gonna take one or not?" Danny asks, annoyed and impatiently.

"Uh..." Krystal stutters. "I..." Krystal stutters more.

"Today, Kinky Krystal!" Vanessa exclaims, impatiently.

"I-I'll be right back!" Krystal finally says. She quickly gets up and walks out of Danny's room and shuts the door behind her.

Krystal walks a few feet away from the door and pulls out her phone and calls her dad.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up!" Krystal whispers to herself, with hope.

No answer.
"God dammit!" Krystal whispers to herself in anger, taking the phone away from her ear.

"Oh, no, did daddy not answer your precious phone call?" Vanessa asks, sarcastically, in a pouty voice.

"What the hell do you want?" Krystal asks, turning her head to Vanessa, who is in the doorway of Danny's bedroom.

"This." Vanessa answers, vaguely. Vanessa runs to Krystal and puts her in a headlock.

"You don't belong here!" Vanessa angrily whispers to Krystal.

"Think again, coke whore!" Krystal fires.

Krystal grabs Vanessa's arm she was in a headlock in and takes herself out of the headlock. She takes Vanessa's wrist and flips Vanessa onto the floor and onto her back.

Krystal walks to Vanessa's body and stands over her stomach and looks down at her brown eyes.

"I think you've learned your lesson," Krystal says, nodding, sympathetically. "Don't mess with a Wayne." Krystal says, sternly.

"Well, well, well," A male voice says behind Krystal. "If it isn't daddy's little girl!" The voice says, making fun of Krystal.

Krystal turns around. Alex. Krystal walks to Alex.

"Well, well, well," Krystal says, as she walks to Alex, who is in the same location where Vanessa was. "Of it isn't coke whore number two!" Krystal says, devilishly smirking.

"Daddy's little girl!" Alex repeats, with his arms crossed.

"Coke whore number two!" Krystal repeats, with her hands on her hips.

"Daddy's little girl!"

"Coke whore number two!"

"Daddy's little girl!"

"Coke whore number two!"

"Daddy's little girl!"

"Coke whore number two!"

Krystal presses her lips together in anger. She's sick of being pushed around. She finally takes initiative. Krystal punches Alex in the stomach...hard. He puts his hands on his stomach and slowly falls to the ground.

Krystal climbs onto his back and grabs one of his arms. She rolls up his sweatshirt's long-sleeve and pinches his elbow and twists it, making him go unconscious.

"Well, well-"

"No, we are not doing this again!" Krystal exclaims, annoyed. She gets up from Alex's back and kicks the person on the penis and testicles. It was Andrew.

Krystal dusts off her hands. She peeks into Danny's bedroom. He's passed out in the floor with cocaine all over his mouth and nose area of his face. She shuts the door and goes downstairs.

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