Chapter 23

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Krystal knocks on the door if Danny's house. The butler answers.

"Oh, it's you, again." The butler complains.

"Nice to see you, too." Krystal says, sarcastically, with a fake smile.

"Let me guess, you're here for Daniel." The butler guesses.

"Yeah, is he home?" Krystal asks.

"Possibly." The butler responds, suspiciously.

"Benjamin!" A voice hollers.

"Yes, Master Daniel?" Benjamin, the butler, asks.

"Let her in," Danny demands. "or you're fired!" Danny threatens his butler.

"Yes, Master Daniel." Benjamin says. He steps aside so Krystal can enter.

Krystal enters and Danny walks downstairs. Benjamin closes the door.

"Hey, babe." Danny says, kissing Krystal on the cheek.

"Hey." Krystal says with a smile.

"Shall I make you two a snack, Master Daniel?" Benjamin asks.

"Yeah," Danny responds. "Make some popcorn, get some candy, some sodas, and some blankets." Danny demands.

"As you wish, sir." Benjamin says. Benjamin walks to kitchen and makes the snacks. Krystal and Danny walk to the theater room of the Braxton house.

On their way, they are stopped by Mr. and Mrs. Braxton.

"Hi, Danny!" Mrs. Braxton says, with a smile. "Who's your friend?" She asks, kindly.

"Mom, dad, this is my girlfriend, Krystal." Danny says. "I told you guys about her, and I showed you guys a picture!" Danny reminds his parents.

"Oh, yes, well, it's great to finally meet you, Krissy!" Mrs. Braxton says.

"Please, call me Kris." Krystal says, kindly.

"Whatever, you say, dear!" Mrs. Braxton says, with a kind smile. "Where are you two off to?" She asks the teenagers.

"The theater room." Danny responds. "We're gonna watch some movies." Danny informs his parents.

"Okay, well you kids have fun!" Mrs. Braxton says, excitedly.

The teenagers smile and walk to the theater room.

Danny is stopped by his father.

"Is everything okay?" Krystal asks, confused.

"I'll show you to the theater room, Kris." Mrs. Braxton tells Krystal.

"Thank you." Krystal says, smiling. They walk to the theater together.

"What were you thinking bringing a Wayne into this house!?" Mr. Braxton exclaims, angered at his son.

"Dad, she's cool!" Danny assures his father.

"She's a Wayne!" Mr. Braxton reminds his son. "Wayne's are forbidden from this household!"

"Look dad," Danny demands. "I don't care what problems you have with Mr. Wayne, but Krystal is special!" Danny rants, with anger. "So, if you have a problem with us being together, well, that's not my problem, is it?" Danny concludes.

He looks his father in the eye for two seconds. His father angrily stares back at him. Danny scoffs and then angrily walks away.

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