Chapter 28

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Krystal and Danny roughly land on the dirt ground. They groan in pain as they slowly sit up.

"Kris, are you okay?" Danny asks, noticing Krystal's pain.

"I--I think so?" Krystal stutters. Krystal takes a look at her right hand. Her hand is full of bloody cuts.

She fists her hand and sets it in the dirt, acting like nothing happened.

Danny furrows his eyebrows in confusion. He glances at Krystal's fist. Danny takes Krystal's fisted hand and opens it like a blooming flower.

"Krystal!" Danny exclaims, in shock and fear.

"It's nothing, Danny!" Krystal lies, wanting to seem calm.

"Nothing!?" Danny asks, in shock. "Your hand is cut, bleeding, and there are bits of glass is sticking out of your hand!" Danny exclaims. "Kris, we've gotta call the paramedics!" Danny demands, concerned.

Though, Krystal doesn't want the paramedics to come, it is for the best!

Krystal sighs. "You're right." Krystal shamefully agrees.

Danny pulls his phone out of the back pocket of his jeans and dials 911 then puts his phone to his ear.

"911, what is your emergency?" The operator asks.

"Hi, my friend cut her hand really bad, and there's glass stuck in her hand, can we get some paramedics and some cops here as soon as possible?" Danny asks, holding Krystal's hand.

"Yes, we are sending paramedics and policemen to your location!" The operator informs Danny.

"Okay, great, thank you!" Danny says, then hanging up the call.

"Danny, we're gonna get arrested!" Krystal points out, in fear.

"Batman doesn't arrest people, Krystal!" Danny points out.

"Batman...right..." Krystal nervously whispers to herself.


About 15 minutes later....

There are about 5 police cars and a paramedic truck

Danny and Krystal are sitting in the back of the open paramedic truck in blankets, with some hot chocolate. One paramedic is wrapping Krystal's hand in bandages, after take out the glass of course.

Some police officers and detectives are checking out the asylum and the spot where Krystal and Danny landed. They are looking for clues and also trying to find out who that man was and why he was at the asylum and things like that.

"All done," The paramedic says, finally done wrapping up Krystal's hand. "Go easy when using that hand, it's damaged enough!" The paramedic points out.

Krystal giggles. "Thanks, doc." She says, taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

A few minutes later, the sound of screeching tires begins to approach closer and closer to the asylum, along with blindingly bright headlights.

"God, what are those lights?" Danny asks, curious where the brightness is coming from, and squinting and covering his eyes from the lights, with his hands.

"And why are they so bright?" Krystal adds, also squinting and looking away from the brightness.

The car parks, and the headlights turn off.

Krystal looks over to see who parked the car and what the car looks like.

"Oh, shit!" Krystal whispers to herself.

"What?" Danny asks, turning to look at Krystal.

"Uh, we have to go." Krystal vaguely says.

"What? Why?" Danny asks, confused.

Krystal and Danny stand up. Danny carries Krystal on his back.

"Run!" Krystal demands. Danny follows Krystal's orders and runs between cars. Danny runs as far as he can.


"Hey!" A loud, deep voice yells behind Danny and Krystal.

Danny stops.

"Uh, oh..." Krystal whispers to herself, in fear. Danny slowly turns around, still with Krystal on his back.

A tall, male, muscular, figure, walks closer to them.

The man makes eye contact with the two of them


"Hello, sir." Danny says, nervously.

"Set her down." Batman demands. Danny does so.

"What do you two think you're doing around here?" Batman asks.

"Just havin' some fun!" Krystal nervously responds.

Krystal walks closer to Batman. "Y'know, Batty--"

"Don't call me that."

"Yes, sir." Krystal quickly and nervously replies. "But, Mr. Batman...sir, coming from a girl who is also a daughter of her father," Krystal says. "If you had a daughter, not sure if you do, but if you did, and she went to, let's say, the Arkham Asylum--"

"The Arkham Asylum is illegal and off limits." Batman cuts Krystal off.

"Yes, but if it wasn't, you shouldn't be mad at her!" Krystal continues, playfully hitting Batman's arm. "She was probably just trying to have a little fun, theoretically of course," Krystal adds. "Perhaps, fun with her boyfriend!" Krystal suggests.

Batman presses his lips together in anger.

"BUT NOT THAT KIND OF FUN!!" Krystal quickly saves herself. "You're daughter, I'm sure, would be and should be, a total, one-thousand percent--" Krystal pauses. "Not the point!" Krystal realizes, smiling. "What I was trying to say was, even if she did almost die!" Krystal adds. "Which she wouldn't because her father would protect her, and love her, and care for her, and love her..." Krystal nervously smiles.

"I've heard enough." Batman says, sternly. "You two are coming with me." Batman demands, grabbing both of the teens' arms. Batman heads to the Batmobile, tightly gripping onto the teens' arms.

"You're daughter probably wouldn't want to go to jail!" Krystal adds.

"My daughter would go somewhere way worse than jail!" Batman says.

"...the asylum?" Krystal guesses, nervously.

"Worse than that, too!" Batman fake smiles, opening the passenger's seat door. "Sadly, I don't have a backseat, so, you, miss, will have to sit on his lap." Batman says, disappointingly.

Dany gets in the car and sits in the passenger's seat. Krystal gets in after him and sits on his lap. She buckles in the seatbelt. Batman slams the passenger's door, causing the teens to jump. He walks to driver's side, gets in, and zooms off.

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