Chapter 24

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Krystal and Danny are on their third horror movie of the night. They're cuddled in the large, grey, faux fur blanket. Krystal's chest is buried into Danny's chest, scared if the events in the movie.

Danny crawls his fingers up Krystal's back.

"Ah!" Krystal shrieks, sitting up from her cuddle with Danny.

"Danny!" Krystal exclaims, playfully hitting Danny.

Danny laughs. "Relax, babe, its Halloween!" Danny reminds his girlfriend. "I was just joking!" Danny laughs.

"Fine, well then, I guess it's time for my surprise!" Krystal smiles.

"Let's see, it's ten-thirty at night, in Gotham, you have a surprise for me, and its Halloween," Danny calculates. "Yeah, we're not gonna die!" Danny says, sarcastically.

"Relax, the surprise won't take long!" Krystal assures Danny.

"Alright," Danny says. "I trust you!" Danny promises. Krystal and Danny get up from the couch in the theater and head off to Krystal's surprise.

Krystal and Danny arrive at the front of the surprise. They get out of the car and find a large, rusty, black gate. Behind is an old, abandoned-looking building. They're at Arkham Asylum.

"No!" Danny whispers, in shock.

"Yeah!" Krystal smirks, nodding her head.

"I thought this place was destroyed years ago!" Danny comments, still in shock.

"Nope, just abandoned." Krystal corrects Danny.

Danny and Krystal walk to the gate.

Krystal shakes the gate. "It's locked." Krystal says, annoyed. "Give me a lift." Krystal demands, looking at Danny.

"What? No!" Danny exclaims, worried. "Krystal, this gate is huge and look how sharp it is!" Danny points out.

"Danny, its worth a shot!" Krystal exclaims, not taking 'no' for an answer.

Danny sighs. "Fine." Danny cups his hands, low to the ground, at Krystal's foot level. She sets her right foot in Danny's hands and puts the other on the gate. She begins to climb the gate.

She reaches the sharp parts on the gate.

"Oh, shit!" Krystal whispers to herself. She quickly gets an idea. Krystal slowly and carefully lifts up her left leg and set her foot on the pointy detail of the gate. She carefully grabs a higher bar and pulls herself up. She climbs to the top of the gate, then carefully climbs down.

She faces Danny at the bottom of the gate.

"C'mon, it's not that bad!" Krystal promises, with a smile.

Danny sighs. "Fine," he says. "I trust you." Danny promises Krystal. Danny and Krystal share a peck in the lips and then Danny carefully climbs up and over the gate.

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