Chapter 27

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Danny and Krystal arrive at the 7th floor of Arkham Asylum. They walk out of the elevator. They find that the 7th floor is much creepier than the first. There's rusty, cells, cell with broken bars, dry blood everywhere, and broken pieces of glass on the ground. The 7th floor is said to be haunted by past inmates of the asylum.

"Wow!" Krystal exclaims, directing her flashlight in different parts of the floor, as she walks around with Danny.

"This floor is creepier than the first!" Danny comments, following the flashlight.

"I know!" Krystal comments.

As they continuing walking and exploring, Danny notices a dirty, grey, door at the end of the hall. There is a white, flashing light peaking out from the crack of the door.

"Kris, look!" Danny exclaims, pointing at the door. Krystal notices the door, too. Her eyes widen. "I wonder if there's anything in there!" Danny thinks aloud.

"You never know until you see!" Krystal smirks.

Danny smiles. "Let's go!" Danny exclaims. He grabs Krystal's hand and they run to the mysterious door.


Krystal and Danny slowly walk up to the door. As they tip-toe closer to the door, they begin to hear psychotic cackling, and screaming.

Krystal carefully, and slowly, opens the door, trying not make any noise.

Danny and Krystal's eyes widen, and their bodies go stiff. Inside the room, they see an old, almost bald, horrible, yellow, and he has crooked teeth. The man is holding a knife in one hand, and a running chainsaw hanging around his neck.

They also see a strange woman strapped tightly on a reclining chair. She has body parts that don't belong to her. Parts like, a man's hairy, left arm, an African-American person's right leg, and her eyes are two different colors: her right eye is brown, and her left eye is an icy blue.

The man slowly turns around. "Ah, I see we have company!" The man says, in a scratchy voice.

"Uh oh!" Danny whispers, in fear, in a high-pitched voice.

"Danny?" Krystal whispers.

"Yeah?" Danny whispers back.

"Run!" Krystal exclaims, in fear. Danny nods and the two sprint down the long hall.


"You just had to point out that door, huh?" Krystal snarks.

"Me!?" Danny asks, shock. "You're the one who wanted to see what was inside!" Danny points out. Krystal rolls her eyes.

Danny looks behind them. The man is chasing them with the knife in his hand, and the chainsaw is running!! He looks in front of him again. He and Krystal are getting closer to a glass window.

"Kris?" Danny says.

"Yeah?" Krystal responds.

"We're gonna have to run to that window and jump out!" Danny explains.

"What!?" Krystal exclaims, confused, scared, and shocked, all in one. "Are you crazy!?" Krystal asks.

"Kris, we have no choice!" Danny exclaims. "Just hold my hand and we'll jump together!" Danny offers, putting his hand out for Krystal to take.

Krystal looks behind her. The man is still running after them. She turns her head and looks back at Danny. "Alright!" Krystal exclaims, in agreement. Krystal takes Danny's hand and he holds it tightly.

They begin to be only a few feet away from the window. Krystal and Danny count down together.




Krystal and Danny break through the window, and fly through the air.

"AHHHHH!!" Krystal screams, flailing her arms and legs, as she gets closer to the ground by the second.

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