Chapter 35

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Krystal scoops out the red punch out of the large glass bowl and into two plastic, red cups for her and Danny. Krystal squeezes through the crowd of people inside the Braxton mansion to get to Danny, who is in the backyard.

"Excuse me, sorry!" Krystal repeated, as she passes through even more people in the backyard.

"Danny, I got us some--" Krystal's jaw dropped. Her eyes, nor her feelings, could handle what was happening right in front of her. Brittany Manning and Danny were locking lips, right then and there.

"Danny?" Krystal asks, in sorrow.

Danny breaks his lips away from Brittany's. "Krissy, baby!" Danny smirks, walking toward Krystal.

Krystal takes a few steps back. "I can't believe this!" Krystal exclaims, horrified.

"Hey, baby, the kiss was nothing!" Danny promises Krystal.

"I mean, you did try to lift up my dress..." Brittany brags.

At that moment, the DJ turned the music off.

"I knew I could never trust a Braxton!" Krystal proudly swears.

"Babe, you can trust me!" Danny promises.

"You're just like your father, just with a small wang..." Krystal smirks.

"And you're just like you're father...a little girl, who uses her family name as an excuse!" Danny angrily fires. Everyone at the party stops and stares at the two of them.

"You shouldn't have said that." Krystal smiles.

"Why not?" Danny chuckles.

Krystal presses her lips together in anger. She then proceeds to splash the cup of punch into Danny's face.

"Ooooooh!" The large crowd of party guests gasps.

"Oh, and Brittany, this is to match your murder of a vagina!" Krystal smiles, then she splashes the other cup of punch in her face. Brittany scoffs.

"Who's the little girl now, hm?" Krystal asks Danny, crossing her arms.

Danny begins to breathe heavily. He creates fists with his hands and his eyes begin to glow green. The more angry he gets, the taller he gets, and as he grows, the more his legs transform into black and green tentacles.

"You better leave this party, Krystal, or else, I'm going to grab you by my tentacles and drown you!" Danny threatens Krystal, in a deep voice.

Krystal's mind is only focused on defeating Danny in his monster form. The more she thinks about it, the more detail she presents as her superhero form. Her long, sharp cat claws begin to grow in, her eyes glow violet, and her party clothes are replaced with a violet leotard, a golden tool belt, thigh-high, purple, leather boots, and a purple bat mask, along with a large, bat-winged cape.

Krystal shoots up high into the air to make eye contact with Danny. Everyone at the party watches as they battle.

Danny laughs. "How did an ant get all the way up there?" He asks rudely.

"How did something with a brain the size of an acorn pass the fifth grade?" Krystal asks, sarcastically. "The world may never know!" Krystal smirks.

"Ugh!" Danny grits his teeth, attempting to grab Krystal. Luckily, Krystal flies away.

"For a twelve feet tall monster, you sure are slow!" Krystal observes, from afar. Danny darts one of his twelve tentacles at Krystal. Before she could fly away, Krystal is snatched by Daniel's black and green tentacle.

"I can finally fulfill my duty of destroying the very last Wayne to ever be born!" Daniel expresses. And at that moment, Selena and Bruce ran out the backyard.

"Oh my god!" Selena gasped. "Bruce, we need to help her!" Selena demands her husband. Bruce nods and then the couple runs back into the house to change into their suits.


"Get your tentacles off of her, you slimy sea urchin!" Selena yells from the roof of the Braxton mansion. She dives off the roof and perfectly lands the cement. A crowd of teenagers back up so Selena can pass.

"That's Catwoman!"

"Yo, check it out!"

"Should we call the police?" The teens whisper to each other.

"Of course, I'd hate to do the dirty work without my partner in crime..." Catwoman begins, looking up at the twelve foot tall monster. "Oh, Batman!" Catwoman hollers. The hundreds of party guests gasp in shock.

Next thing everyone knows, Batman is gliding through the air and heading towards the backyard! Everyone at the party gasps again. Mr. and Mrs. Braxton look at each other in shock and anger. They set down their glasses of champagne and run inside the mansion.

The closer Batman gets, the tighter Danny squeezes Krystal with his tentacle.

"DAD!! HELP!!" Krystal screams.

"Shh, Krystal, in just a few minutes, daddy won't be able to hear you!" Danny threatens Krystal, in a deep whisper.

"Set her down, octopussy!" Batman demands.

"Ooooh!" The crowd cheers.

"Put a sock in it, Fat-man!" Danny fires back.

"Shut it, testicles!" Catwoman demands, slamming her whip to the ground. Before Danny could answer, the ground begins to shake.

"Everybody take cover!!" Catwoman yells, assuming an earthquake is taking place.

"Honey, this isn't an earthquake..." Batman informs his wife.

"What do you mean?" Catwoman asks, confused.

"This is much worse!" Batman promises his wife.

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