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"There has to be something..." Max muttered, digging around (Y/N)'S cabin.

"Max, there isn't anything..." Neil sighed. "She's just a good, caring person!"

"She got all of the wood scouts to fucking bow to her!" He whisper yelled. "There has to be something!"

"Kids...?" (Y/N) mumbled tiredly.

"What's this?" Nikki asked, holding up a tampon.

"Where's the murder weapon?! Where's the gun?! Where are you hiding it?!" Max yelled.

"Jesus kid, calm down." She yawned. "I don't have any weapons except a pocket knife..."

"See? There's no motive to hurt any of us Max, you're just being paranoid." Neil said.

"Yeah, she's like the most caring person here... even more so than David!" Nikki smiled.

"I've seen this on Tv though! A person 'pretends' to be all caring, and then boom! Commits mass genocide!"

"I'm not Hitler..." (Y/N) smiled, sitting up. "I'm glad you care about everyone like this though, but I'm not a danger..."

"We'll see about that..." he said, glaring at her.

*davids epic camp song*

Your POV

"Sir I can explain..."

A police officer was currently searching through my things, apparently he got an 'anonymous' tip that I had an illegal stash of weapons hidden in my cabin.

Jee, wonder who filed that report...

"One of the kids on the site doesn't like me very much..." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Yeah, seems like you're clear..." the officer smiled. "Names Ray."

"Nice to meet you officer Ray." I smiled back. "I'm (Y/N)..."

"WHAT?!" Max yelled. "There has to be something illegal! There has to be!"

"I can assure you kid, there's nothing here." Ray said, kneeling to Max's level.

"That's bullshit!" Max said. "She's hiding something! She has to be! Nobody would go this far to protect a kid! This is why summer camps EXIST!"

"Max, calm down-"

"Where is it?! Where's the master plan!"

"There is none-"

"Excuse us for just a moment!" Nikki said, pulling Max by his hood.

"What's got him so paranoid?" Ray asked with a chuckle.

I shrugged. "Is it bad that I'm actually kinda proud?"

"A bit?"

"Cool." I smiled, crossing my arms. "Well, sorry for making you come down here Officer Ray."

"It's fine... Hey, can I get your number?"

I blinked rapidly. "Can you leave now?"


"Bai!" I waved, watching him walk off.

"He's going to find a way to throw you in jail for breaking his heart." Gwen chuckled.

"Eh, I'll just get Harrison to make me disappear-"

"IM A BETTER MAGICIAN!" Nerris yelled.

"Oh god... the regret and anxiety is back..." Gwen gasped, rushing away.

"She'll be fine..." I sighed.

I walked into where all the kids were playing, and smiled. All of the kids were playing, Nurf not threatening to kill people for once, and Max and his crew hanging out in a bush.

"Hey Erid?" I asked. "Whatcha listening to?"

"Oh... I'm listening to some really cool music..." she shrugged.

"What band?"

"Oh uh... you wouldn't know them."

"Try me."

"I'm listening to one-direction." She sighed.

"Oh, they're pretty cool... not my taste but yeah. They're chill."

She nodded and put her headphones on. I sighed and walked to where David was. He was watching Max with a smile.

"I think we're really breaking through with him!" David smiled.

"Yeah, he seems to be a bit happier." I lied.

"He hasn't yelled at me once!"

"David shut the fuck up!" Max yelled. "Your voice is annoying!"

"Watch your language!" David yelled back.

"Suck my dick bitch!"

"Never mind..." David sighed.

"Well, he has friends, and he's not causing any problems so far. You know, except for calling the police on me... but still."

"You're right!" David smiled. "He's making friends! I'm so glad you're here (Y/N)!" He yelled, rushing to his cabin.

"So Q.M. how are-"

"The Jews are coming." He said in monotone, walking away.

"Oh...?" I said, dismissing it.

"Who's the best magician?!" Nerris asked.

"Obviously me." Harrison huffed.

"Both of you are amazing magicians. Harrison is good with performances, and Nerris is great with revealing ones imagination." I explained. "Both of you are good in your own ways, now go enjoy this beautiful day."

They both smiled and walked away, only a few seconds went by before they started fighting again. I groaned and shook my head.

"I tried..." I sighed.


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