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She awoke to all of the campers taking pictures and staring at her. The moment she opened her eyes, everybody went quiet. She raised her eyebrow, and looked down to see Max clutching onto her thigh for dear life. She smiled to herself and yawned, making Max jump awake.

He looked around, blushing furiously. "What are you, fucking stalkers?!" He hissed.

"I-Its so cute!" David cried of happiness.

"Shut the fuck up David, it's too early in the morning for your bullshit happiness." He rolled his eyes.

"Guys, we don't take pictures of you while you sleep. Delete them now, or were confiscating everything." She said sternly.

What nobody saw, was the look on Max's face. He would get back at them, and he knew exactly how to do that. He began devising a plan, and Neil would get the worst of it. Nobody gets away with messing with Max, nobody.

After breakfast and (Coffee, Tea, or nothing at all), (Y/N) was finally calm. She sat with David, watching the kids swim around. David began telling stories about the camp when he was a kid, not that she minded. He thought it was cute how he was excited to be here, no matter if anybody else didn't.

She frowned as Nurf held space kid under the water, and was about to stop him before Mr. Campbell dropped in from a helicopter. David gasped, and the stars appeared back into his eyes as he squealed.

"Mr. Campbell what are you doing here?!"

"Probably hiding from the government again?" She muttered.

"Precisely!" He smiled.

"Why are you running again?"

"Nothing you can prove."

She held her hands up in surrender. "Got me there, sir."

"(Y/N)!" Nerris cried.

She whipped her head around, noticing Harrison limp on the sand. She broke into a sprint, and slid against the sand, the small pieces cutting into her knees. She checked his pulse, and was about to do CPR when she noticed him breathing.

She sighed and stood up, brushing away the dirt and sand from her body. "Guys don't do that, I thought somebody was really hurt..."

"No! I am! See!" Harrison yelled, playing dead.

"Now you've got to kiss him!" Preston yelled as well.

"No don't!" Nurf yelled. "I don't have ten dollars!"

"Fucking hell guys..." she shook her head.

She looked over to the woods, and saw Max sitting in a tree. An old camera in hand as he took several pictures, a sinister grin on his face. She held the bridge of her nose as she looked at David, who was swooning over the camp owner.

The kids began fighting over who was to give money, until a large and menacing boat came into view. No doubt was it the wood scouts. The kids scurried out of the water and fled behind (Y/N) in fear.

"Why the fuck are they here?!" Max asked.

"Since im here, I figured a fight could take place. They agreed that our best counselor would face theirs in a battle to the death. All they want in return, is several of our campers and (Y/N)."

The kids eyes widened. "FUCK NO." Neil yelled.

"Bullshit!" "Were not handing her over!" "OH MY GOD YES THE DRAMA! THE TENSION!"

Everybody stared at Preston, who was squealing in excitement. She shook her head and laughed. Everybody's attention turned to her, as she was laughing maniacally.

"Kids relax..." she chuckled. "There's no way-"

The boat came to a stop, and a severely muscular man stepped out, along with three or four kids. Her eyes widened as he looked over the mans uncovered upper body. He had a sleeve of tattoos, and a beautifully sculpted body.

He walked over to her, and lifted her chin up. He toward over her. Her mouth parted, but she shook her head, smacking her hand away.

"Why don't you say we get out of here when this is done..." he muttered seductively.

She tilted her head and smirked evilly. "Im not leaving until you're in a mother fucking body bag asshole."

The kids ooo'd, and Preston was squealing in excitement. The man shook his head with a chuckle. "You really think you can beat me girly?"

She cracked her neck, and glared at him. "Why don't you take your dick out of your attitude, and place it back so I hit you so hard it comes out your throat. Hope you're not allergic to nuts asshole!"

"HOLLY SHIT." Max laughed.

"You know, you're really hot..." the guy smirked.

"So are you, but not when this whole this is over." She hisses. "Let's go asshat."

She jumped onto the fighting platform, which nobody actually knew was there, and turned around. She motioned him to come to her, and his grin got wider. He easily hoped onto the platform, attempting to intimidate her.

She rolled her eyes. "I'll let you go first."

"I don't hit girls."

"Well I don't hit pussys but I guess we both have to suck it up."

He charged at her, and she moved away quickly. He fell to the ground, and went to sweep her feet out from under her, but she kept into the air, and landed on top of his head. He lifted her up, and threw her, making her land on her stomach.

She sat up, spitting out a tiny bit of blood. "Shit." She muttered.

He went to step on her, but she rolled out of his path, standing as quickly as possible. He turned to her, but she slid beneath his legs, punching his soft spot. He fell to his knees, clutching the area, and she found house kicked his temple.

He was out like a light.

The entire crowed went silent as she stood on his back, and held her hands in the air. "NOT TODAY BITCHES!"

The kids cheered while the woods scouts cried. She kept over the side, and walked over to them, smirking. "Now go back to your camp and tell them to leave us the fuck alone." She turned to Mr. Campbell. "As for you, sir? If you threaten my life again, I cannot promise you'd survive to see another sun rise. I don't know what you've done, but I will hand you over to the government as you're on your knees in front of me."

"Are you threatening me kid?"


He chuckled. "Welcome to the Camp Campbell family kiddo."

"I'm serious. Get lost."

He began laughing as he walked off, David called an ambulance, and stood behind me as to not get hit. Yet, he didn't see the wolf that came out of the woods to attack him until it was latched onto his arm.

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