This song (The Kids Aren't Alright) By Fall Out Boy was a heavy inspiration for this chapter... just saying.
"(Y/N)!" David yelled from atop the flag pole. "Help me!"
The kids stopped and dropped their weapons, staring at Max and I in shock. I opened my mouth to speak, but sighed instead. I shook my head and walked into my cabin.
Not dealing with that today.
Right now, I need to figure out how to adopt Max...
Should I put in a court order?
Do I even have enough money for that?
"Fucking hell..." I muttered, slamming my head on my desk.
"(Y/N) (L/N) I hear by FIRE YOU from Camp Campbell." Mr. Campbell said, kicking down the door.
"Wait what?!" I yelled.
A bunch of people came through, taking all my stuff and throwing it out of the border line. I sat shocked, tears starting to come up.
"Sir you can't be serious-"
"Oh, I am." He grinned. "And if you're not out in the next ten minutes, I'll have my firing squad shoot you where you stand."
"Mr. Campbell-"
"Get. Out." He snapped.
"No!" I yelled. "These kids... these kids are nothing like you've ever seen before. These kids need somebody to hold them to the ground, to allow them to dream, to allow them to do what they want! They need me Sir!"
In one moment he was dragging me by my hoodie out of the camp, and he threw me next to my now destroyed items. I sat on the ground, too shocked to even move.
Max came rushing towards me, but Mr. Campbell stopped him, and shoved him back. Something snapped in me as he hit the ground, his eyes wide with fear. I stood up, and grabbed my bat.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He taunted, snapping his fingers.
Behind him were a line of people, all holding guns. Tears ran down my face as I looked at Max. He was clutching his arm, tears streaming down his face. David ran up to Mr. Campbell, looking at me with pure shock.
"Sir! Y-You can't! The kids... they'll-"
"You still think I give a shit about them?!" He snapped. "When will you understand that this camp is nothing more than a base to hide from the fucking government?! After that stunt she pulled, she's lucky im letting her go!"
"No, you listen!" David snapped. "I can't believe I ever trusted you! You killed Jasper! You hurt Max! You hurt (Y/N)! You're just... Just a fucking asshole!"
"Who the fuck do you think you are?!"
"Somebody who's done putting up with your bullshit!" He yelled.
"You care about her so much?! Fine! I'll just-"
Narrators POV
In an instant (Y/N) hit the floor.
She hissed in pain as she held her leg.
Yet another gunshot rang out, not hitting her this time.
Mr. Campbell hit the floor, limp. Everything went silent, the firing squad disappearing as quickly as they appeared, yet nobody could pinpoint where the shot came from.
A government car pulled up, wrapped up her wound, and took Mr. Campbells body away. Ray stepped out of the car, and took off his sunglasses. He crouched in front of (Y/N) and smiled.
"We've been trying to get rid of him for years, and thanks to your courage and distraction, he's finally gone. We're rewarding you this camp property, and a million dollar reward for his body. Is there anything else I can get you?"
She sat in shock, nodding her head as tears flew out of her eyes. She looked at Max, and smiled.
"Anyway you can get me custody of that kid? His parents changed states, and were very neglectful towards him..."
Ray smiled wider. "We'll see what we can do," he winked.
Max ran up to me, hugging me instantly. Ray gave David a smaller reward, but never the less, David was happy with it. As the government patrol cars left, the campers came back from their hike with the Q.M.
All were shaking and terrified, yet none would speak a word. Max fell asleep while hugging her, so David carried him back to his tent. She carefully stood up, and smiled at the other campers.
She was about to fall down, before Ray lifted her into the air bridal style. Her cheeks grew red as Ray grinned.
"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go on a date..." Ray asked.
"You saved my ass, that's the least I can do." She replied, still blushing.
"Get a room!" Max snapped.
Yet she couldn't miss the happiest smile he's ever had. And Davids, because David is a smol bean who is excited and just wants the best for everyone.

Camp Camp x Reader
Fanfiction(She pronouns, if male or whatever ignore the pronouns I guess) (This also turns into a David x Reader.) A beautiful and crazy camp, with laughs, good times- Let's cut to the chase. A new councilor is adored by everybody but Max. Max will do every...