I paused. I paused for far too damn long, and the only thing My mind was screaming was no, he didn't do anything wrong.
Nothing came out.
I tried.
"I-I get it if you guys hate me now..." Max said, kicking a stone. "I don't know why you tried to do this for as long as you have-"
In the blink on an eye David was on his knees hugging him, causing Max to cry into Davids shoulder. I sat smiling, watching to two hug for a few moments before standing up.
"Kiddo you've done nothing wrong." I shook my head.
"I'm sorry for pretending, Max. I just wanted you to see the good in life but... I guess that has to be your own job..."
David looked up at me. "Just wait, Max, somebody will come around and make everything a lot brighter."
"D-David..." I whispered.
"I'll make sure everything will be fine, for both of you, I promise." David said. "And I don't break my promises."
"I-I'm so sorry." Max cried. "I've been trying to hard t-to ruin e-everything!"
"I get it." David smiled. "Come on, let's get back to camp, huh?"
"Sorry about that." David smiled. "I got a bit overwhelmed, but that's okay! We still have time to show off everyone's special talents!"
"A-Actually, my mother left with Neils dad..." Nikki said sadly.
"What?" I asked. "Why-"
"She told me I was too crazy and too expensive to take care of so... she left..." Nikki said sadly.
I looked to David, who was already talking to the Millers, and looked at me with a smile and a thumbs up. I turned to Max, who was already hugging Nikki and telling her everything was going to be fine.
"E-Excuse me?" Harrison's mother asked. "C-Can you take care of our boy for us? O-Our community d-doesn't allow him to come back..."
I turned to see Harrison playing with Nerris and her family, making me smile. "Yeah, anybody so insensitive to abandon their own kid because of their religion doesn't deserve a kid with as much talent as him anyway."
"Excuse me?!" His father asked.
"Nurf, Miss Nurfington, can you show these two out?" I asked.
"Of course!" Nurfs mother grinned.
"David, add Harrison!" I yelled.
David nodded.
"M-M-Ma'am?" Prestons grandmother asked. "M-Might you take care of my darling boy? I-I'm simply t-too old to t-take care of him a-anymore..."
"I would do anything to help, Miss Goodplay." I smiled.
"Ma'am, my boy is refusing to go home with me..." Dolfs father stated.
"This is mein home!" Dolf sighed. "I am free here! Everyone adores me!"
"You seem capable-"
"Yes I'll take care of your son!" I smiled.
At the end of the day, all of the parents went home. The kids went to bed, most anxiously awaiting the life they get to spend with David and I. I smiled as I went online, the government said they would pay for a mansion, and school for the kids, as they gave us another million dollars, and me a job as a security member for the secret building close to where the house is.
David walked in with a smile, placing his hand on my shoulder. "You did good today, (Y/N). Those kids can have a happy life as their own people."
"David it's not like I did this alone..."
"You made my life genuinely happy, and I could not thank you enough for that."
"No, let me speak." He smiled. "You are the most amazing woman I've ever met, and I am so happy that I get to call you my girlfriend."
I turned around and hugged him. "God you got the tears flowing again David..."
"Happy tears I hope..."
"Always around you." I smiled.
His hand cupped my cheek, gently moving it to his face. He leaned in.
My stomach leaped as my heart beat raced. My eyes closed as I deepened the kiss, breaking only to catch for breath. After, we stayed still, our foreheads touching as we leaned on one another.
"You should get some rest..." he smiled.
"You should stay with me." I smiled.
And there we were, my head against Davids chest as his hand ran through my hair. I was half asleep, but I didn't miss him saying
"I love you."
Sorry if this seemed rushed, my brain was making up seventy different reasons to adopt all the kids...

Camp Camp x Reader
Fanfic(She pronouns, if male or whatever ignore the pronouns I guess) (This also turns into a David x Reader.) A beautiful and crazy camp, with laughs, good times- Let's cut to the chase. A new councilor is adored by everybody but Max. Max will do every...